Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (2024)


  • 1 (1) Intro
    • 1.1 (1.1) What is The Battle Cats?
    • 1.2 (1.2) Terminology
  • 2 (2) The Basics
    • 2.1 (2.1) Menu
  • 3 (2.2) Interface
    • 3.1 (2.3) How to play
    • 3.2 (2.4) Basic Cats
    • 3.3 (2.5) Upgrades
    • 3.4 (2.6) Treasures
    • 3.5 (2.7) Cat Capsules
    • 3.6 (2.8) Tips and Tricks
    • 3.7 (2.9) Hacking Battle Cats
  • 4 3) Basic Chapters
    • 4.1 (3.1) Chapter 1
    • 4.2 (3.2) Chapter 2
    • 4.3 (3.3) Chapter 3
    • 5.1 (4.1) Stories of Legend Subchapters
    • 5.2 (4.2) Daily Stages
  • 6 (4.3) Event Stages
  • 7 (4.4) Into The Future
    • 7.1 (4.4.1) Chapter 4/Time Enough For Cats
    • 7.2 (4.4.2) Chapter 5/Alien Intrigue; A Maiden’s Revenge
    • 7.3 (4.4.3.) Chapter 6/The Ancients Arise: Take Back Earth!
  • 8 5) Gacha Cats
    • 8.2 (5.1) Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)
    • 8.3 (5.2) Super Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)
    • 8.4 (5.3) Uber Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)
  • 9 (5.3.1) Tales of the Nekoluga: Overall rating (9/10)
  • 10 (5.3.2) The Dynamites: Overall rating (5/10)
  • 11 (5.3.3) Sengoku Wargods Vajiras: Overall rating 8/10
  • 12 (5.3.4) Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals: Overall rating 7/10
  • 13 (5.3.5) Lords of Destruction Dragon Emperors: Overall rating (10/10)
  • 14 (5.3.6) Super Ancient Hero Ultra Souls: Overall rating: (10/10)
  • 15 (5.3.7) Dark Heroes: Overall rating: (9/10)
  • 16 (5.3.8) Greek Gods: Overall Rating: (/10)
  • 17 6) Other Cats
    • 17.1 (6.1) Basic Cats
    • 17.2 (6.2) Special Cats (name – ability – rating)
    • 17.3 (6.3)Event Cats (Name – ability – rating)
    • 17.4 (6.4) Collaboration Event Cats (Name – ability – rating – rarity)
    • 17.5 (6.4.1) Survive! Mola Mola Collaboration Event Cats
    • 17.6 (6.4.2) Mr. Ninja Fever Collaboration Event Cat
    • 17.7 (6.4.3) ? (Dragon Swordsman’s Collab Event)
    • 17.8 (6.4.4) Metal Slug Defense Collaboration Event Cats
    • 17.9 (6.5) Limited Time Event Cats (Name – ability – rating – rarity)
    • 17.10 (6.5.1) Halloween Capsules Event Cats
    • 17.11 (6.5.2) Christmas Capsules Event Cats
  • 18 7) Enemies

(1.1) What is The Battle Cats?

The Battle Cats is a mobile game developed by PONOS focused around cats taking over the world :3

(1.2) Terminology

We may use some words or phrases that sound unfamiliar, so here’s a heads up:

Cat Food – The game’s premium currency. Obtained via many methods, such as downloading apps from Tapjoy to completing a sub-chapter/star difficulty in SoL

XP (Or experience)The game’s in-game currency. Obtained when you beat a stage, or when you “trade in” cats/abilities

Gacha/Cat Capsules – The system in which you obtain new cats (in-depth explanation below)

SoL/Stories of Legend Chapters – A chapter that has significantly difficult stages sorted into sub-chapters that should not be attempted until the player has progressed through most of the main story or has already beaten all the chapters. Unlocked after beating Chapter 1. Before chapter 1, it appears as “Event Stages”

Power ups – Items that can be equipped before a battle to give the player an advantage.

Buffs – Buffs are unlocked by collecting enough treasures and increases your cats’ stats or the cat bases’ skills.

Proc Rate – Ability chance; the chance for a unit’s skill to activate.

Meatshield/Stallers – Cats used solely as a sacrifice to slow down the enemies’ advance and to protect the stronger cats. Usually refers to Cat and Tank Cat.

Silver Ticket – Item that lets you play the normal gacha once. Obtained as a daily reward, a possible reward from the time-limited stages, a drop from the silver ticket stage, a gift from PONOS, or a drop from Siege of Hippoe/Love, Metal Hippoe..

Gold/Rare Cat Ticket – Item that lets you play the premium gacha once for free. 10 tickets will NOT activate the 10x gacha/rare cat capsule. Obtainable only as a gift from PONOS (usually on holidays/celebrations), a possible reward from time-limited stages, or by trading in 5 silver cat tickets.

AOE/Area Attack– An attack that damages multiple units.

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(2.1) Menu

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (1)

This is the first menu you are greeted with when playing Battle Cats. Clicking “Play” allows you to select the chapter you wish to play, while clicking “Settings” allows you to adjust game settings and view the intro/exit texts. When first playing The Battle Cats, only Chapter 1 will be available. You can only unlock the Stories of Legend and Chapter 2 after beating it.

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“User Rank” Shows the total level of all your cats combined (including +’s). Unlocked after beating chapter 2 and having over 800 “levels.” Clicking the scroll to the left lets you unlock new level caps for your cats if you have reached a certain user rank.

Current User Rank Rewards:

<800 (User Rank unlocked) = Basic Cats MAX Lv20+19, Special Cats MAX Lv20, Rare, Super, and Uber Super Rare Cats = MAX Lv20+9

800 = Rare Cat ticket

900 = Rare Cats MAX Lv 25

1000 = Super Rare Cats MAX Lv 25

1100 = Uber Super Rare Cats MAX Lv 25

1200 = Rare Cats MAX Lv 30

1300 = Super Rare Cats MAX Lv 30

1400 = Uber Super Rare Cats MAX Lv 30

1500 = Basic Cats Lv MAX +25

1600 = Special Cats MAX Lv 30

1700 = Basic Cats Lv MAX +30

1800 = Rare Cats Lv MAX +20

1900 = Rare Cats Lv MAX +30

2000 = Super Rare Cats Lv MAX +20

2100 = Uber Super Rare Cats Lv MAX +20

2200 = Rare Cat Ticket

2300 = Rare Cats Lv MAX +40 (Think about the Paris Cat)

2400 = Super Rare Cats Lv MAX +30

2500 = Uber Super Rare Cats Lv MAX +30

2600 = Rare Cat Ticket

2700 = Able to use more combos

*There are more User Rank Rewards than those listed above

“Battle” brings you to the map, where you choose what stage you want to play. You need cat energy to play stages, which is restored at the rate of 1 energy per minute. There are also various powerups you can equip from the map:

Speed Up: Increases the game’s speed by x2. Note that using Speed Up will not affect time-limited event stages’ scores.

Treasure Radar: Guarantees treasure drops upon clear on stages. If you use this on the Crazed Cats, it will refund your radar back.

Rich Cat: Automatically maxes out your wallet level to 8, allowing faster money gain at the beginning of a battle.

Cat CPU: Allows a CPU to take control of your army. Extremely useful for spamming purposes.

Cat Jobs: Increases XP drop by 1.5x. upon stage clear.

Sniper the Cat: Deploys a Cat in a hot-air balloon behind your base to attack the closest enemy to your base in the battlefield. Deals damage proportional to your Cat Base health.

“Upgrade” brings you to a menu of all your cats where you can spend XP to upgrade them. You can also upgrade cat base skills here too.

“Equip” brings you to a menu where you choose which cats to bring into battle (10 max) and view your combos. You can save up to 3 set-ups once you beat Chapter 3, and up to 10 by purchasing each individual set-up for 90 Cat Food.

“Treasures” (Only available after beating Stage 1-7 and in Chapters 1,2,3) allows you to view your current treasures.

”Enemy Units” shows you all the enemies you have encountered so far in the game.

“Store” (at the bottom) brings up a store where you can purchase power-ups with Cat Food.

2 Cat Capsule Icons (one green, one gold) bring you to cat and rare cat menu, respectively.

“i”(Information) (Green button at top-rightish side) Opens a pop-up that describes the current rare cat capsule event, and any other events happening.

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (3)

Topleft corner – Menu – Lets you pause the game and access the pause menu

Topright corner – $ – How much $ you have for cat production

Blue sun, midscreen – God Cat– Don’t tap on him!

Bottomleft corner – Worker Cat – Increases ingame $ maximum and $ production. Tap to upgrade! Maxes at level 8.

Bottomright corner – Cat Cannon – Gradually charges up during the battle. When fully charged, it will glow and you can tap it to fire a beam that travels along the battlefield.

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The cannon is ready to fire!

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BOOM! The cannon demolishes the Doges.

Bottom screen – Cats – Tap to produce cats! There are 10 cat slots, but only 5 can be shown at a time. Swipe up/down to rotate between the first and second row. (You can swipe up and down to rotate the rows ONLY if you have more than 5 cats unlocked. You can change the order of how they are shown in the equip screen.)

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Cats attacking the Doges.

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(2.3) How to play

The goal of each battle is to reduce the opponent’s base’s HP to 0. When your base’s HP hits 0, you lose the battle. You first must save up $ (obtained by waiting or defeating enemies) and when you have enough, you can produce cats to fight for you. After producing a cat, the cat unit will go on cooldown and you will have to wait until it’s over to produce the same cat again. During the course of the battle, the Cat Cannon will charge up. When it is fully charged, you can fire it to knockback and damage all enemies the beam hits.

(2.4) Basic Cats

There are 9 basic cats that you unlock as you progress through Chapter 1. They gain a boost in stats when you level them up (by using XP). When they reach level 10, they evolve, gaining an additional increase in stats and a change in appearance. The max level for the basic cats is 10 before beating Chapter 2 (although there is a way to bypass this, explained further down). After beating Chapter 2, basic cats can only be leveled with XP until level 20. Further upgrades will require additional copies of the cat, obtained from the normal gacha. For every additional cat used to upgrade a basic cat, its level becomes “Max + __”, the number reflecting the additional times it has been upgraded. At “Max +10”, the basic cat will gain a True Form, gaining significant stats, a new appearance, and sometimes a special ability. In version 2 The Battle Cats, there is a new system that can level up your cats to level 30; the User Rank system.

Basic Cats:

Cat -> Macho Cat -> Mohawk Cat

Tank Cat -> Wall Cat -> Eraser Cat

Axe Cat -> Brave Cat -> Dark Cat

Gross Cat -> Sexy Legs Cat -> Macho Leg Cat

Cow Cat -> Giraffe Cat -> Lion Cat

Bird Cat -> UFO Cat -> The Flying Cat

Fish Cat -> Whale Cat -> Island Cat

Lizard Cat -> Dragon Cat -> King Dragon Cat

Titan Cat -> Mythical Titan Cat -> Jamiera Cat

(2.5) Upgrades

In the Upgrade menu, you can upgrade all the cats you have unlocked with XP. Before beating Chapter 2, the max cat level is 10. Afterwards, max cat level (upgradable by XP) is 20. Cats can further be upgraded with additional copies of the cat (must be done by accessing the cat storage, which can be accessed from one of the gacha menus), the level becoming “Max+__”, the number being the additional upgrades. The current maximum level for Special Cats is Max (30), for Rare Cats is Max+40 (70), for Super and Uber Rare Cats is Max+30 (60) (excluding the crazed cats), for Basic Cats is Max+40 (60), and for Cat Base Skills is Max +10 (30) (excluding Cat Cannon Range).

You can also upgrade Cat Base skills in this menu.

Cat Base Skills:

Cat Cannon Power- Increases the damage done by the Cat Cannon, but increases charge time

Cat Cannon Range- Increases the range of the Cat Cannon

Cat Cannon Charge- Decreases charge time of the Cat Cannon

Cat Base HP- Increases HP of your Cat Base

Cat Efficiency- Increases the rate at which you gain $ in battle

Cat Wallet- Increases the max amount of $ you can store in battle

Cat Production- Decreases the cooldown of cats in battle

Cat Accounting- Increases the money you get from defeating enemies in battle

Cat Studies- Increases the amount of XP you get when you finish a stage

Cat Energy- Increases your total cat energy

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(2.6) Treasures

Treasures are items that have a random chance of dropping when finishing a stage in Chapters 1,2, or 3. While the chance of a treasure dropping from a stage is completely random, the chance can be increased to 100% by using a “Treasure Radar” power-up or during a Treasure Festival event where treasure drop rates are increased. Treasures come in 3 qualities: Inferior, Normal, and Superior. Unlocking all the treasures (no matter the quality) for a specific section of the Cat Treasures menu will unlock a Buff. The strength of the Buff depends on the quality of the treasures for it. Unlocked Buffs carry over for all the chapters, including the Stories of Legend.

Buffs: (Unlocked in order)

Energy Drink (Stages 1-7)- Increases the rate at which you gain $ in battle

Cat Vault (Stages 8-11) – Increases max amount of $ you can store in battle

Relativity Clock (Stages 12-16) – Reduces cat cooldown time in battle

Philosopher Stone (Stages 17-23)- Increases the XP you gain from completing stages

Reflexive Shielding (Stages 24-26) – Increases HP of Cat Base

Cash Register (Stages 27-29) – Increases the $ you gain from defeating enemies in battle

Legendary Cat Shield (Stages 30-32) – Increases HP of cat units

Legendary Cat Sword (Stages 33-39)- Increases Attack of cat units

Fusion Core (Stages 40-45) – Increases Cat Cannon attack and charge rate

Turbo Engine (Stage 46) – Decreases time for Cat Cannon to charge

Cat Management Bible (Stages 47-48) – Increases Cat energy

Chapter 4,5 and 6 (Into The Future) Buffs:

<NOTE: unlike the previous chapters, treasures are spread out and not linear>

Aqua Crystal (Stages: Japan, Russia, Denmark, Spain, Greece, India, Cambodia, and Australia) – More damage against aliens

Plasma Crystal (Stages: Madagascar, Egypt, South Africa, Machu Picchu, Mexico, Alaska, New York, and Brazil) – More damage against aliens

Ancient Tablet (Stages: Korea, China, and Mongolia) – Cat base defense increased

Mysterious Force (Stage: The Great Abyss) – Cat cannon recharge time decreased

Cosmic Energy (Stages: Norway, United Kingdom, Germany, France, Monaco) – Cat cannon attack increased

Void Fruit (Stages: Sahara, Ghana, Argentina, and Easter Island) – Abilities used on Black enemies more effective

Blood Fruit (Stages: Philippines, Singapore, Kenya, and Saudi Arabia) – Abilities used on Red enemies more effective

Sky Fruit (Stages: Colombia, Jamaica, Hollywood, and Las Vegas) – Abilities used on Floating enemies more effective

Heaven’s Fruit (Stages: Canada, Greenland, NASA, and Bermuda) – Abilities used on Angel enemies more effective (It does not decreases your cat production time, typo from PONOS)

Time Machine (Stages: Italy, Turkey, Dubai, Nepal, and Thailand)- Energy recovery speed increased

Future Tech (Stages: Floating Continent and Moon)- Increase energy by 30 at 100% (Does not increase XP drop, typo from PONOS)

(2.7) Cat Capsules

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The cat capsules are essentially a lottery. You use a ticket and get a random cat/skill in return. The normal cat capsule (green icon) requires a silver ticket and will only drop basic cats and cat base skills. Normal cat capsules can only be spun once for 1 silver ticket, or 10 times for 10 silver tickets. Silver tickets are obtained via daily login reward or through a Silver Ticket Stage (available only for 1 hour, but have a schedule on when they occur). The rare cat capsule requires 150 Cat Food or a Golden Ticket (obtained as a gift from PONOS during holidays/special events, or through regular cat capsule trading, see FAQ for more details). Rare cat capsules can only be spun once for 150 cat food or 1 rare cat ticket, or 11 times with 1500 cat food (Cannot be spun 10 times for 10 rare cat tickets). Normally, the only cats available are “Rare” and “Super Rare” cats, but during events, you can obtain certain “Uber Rare” cats and Collaboration cats by switching the capsule type to its specific event (as seen on the top left of the screen). In the cat capsule menu (both of them), you can also access the Cat Storage function, where all the cats /skills obtained through the cat capsule are stored. By selecting a cat/skill in the storage, you can use it to level up a cat, exchange it for XP, or trade it in for a golden ticket (see FAQ)

Note: As of Version 2, using 1 cat you already have will + it; it will no longer level that cat one level up.

Cat Capsule Events: Usually there will be a gacha event during which time certain Ultra Rare cats will be available in the cat capsules. Cat capsule events alternate and last usually around 5 days, so you can wait for a cat capsule event with cats you want before using your golden tickets or spending cat food. When there isn’t a gacha event, the only available Uber Rare cat is Nekoluga. There is also an event called “Uber Rare Confirm,” during which using a 10x rare cat capsule roll will guarantee an Uber Rare Cat as the last cat (this event occurs in tandem with the regular rare cat capsule events).

Cat Capsule events:

Tales from the Nekoluga

The Dynamites

Sengoku Wargods Vajiras

Cyber Academy Galaxy Gals

Lords of Destruction Dragon Emperors

Red Busters

Support Units*(Neneko, Gold Macho, Cat Base Mini, and Metal Macho)

Super Ancient Hero Ultra Souls

Dark Heroes

Survive! Mola Mola**

Metal Slug Defense**

Halloween Capsules***

Christmas Capsules***

Lucky Capsules (Li’l series and items)***

Reinforcements*(Rich Cat III, Sniper the Recruit and Freshman Cat Jobs)

*Only available during certain special events (specifically most colabs and updates)

**Collaboration event

***Limited Time Event

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(2.8) Tips and Tricks

“Let’s try that again” or “I messed up but don’t want to waste energy” trick

– If you are on a stage and close out of The Battle Cats app while playing, when you try resuming it, there will be a pop-up asking you if you want to start the stage from the beginning again (declining will bring you to the title screen and will not refund cat energy). As long as your base hasn’t reached 0 yet, you can use this trick to replay as stage as many times as you like. This is particularly useful if you are losing a battle. If you are on Android, be careful not to click “Uninstall”!

“Infinite Energy Trick” or “Ain’t nobody got time for waiting” trick

– Android – Make sure the Battle Cats app is closed. Set your clock a few hours back. Open the Battle Cats app all the way up to the menu. Then close the app and set your clock back to regular time. Open up Battle Cats again and your energy should’ve been filled proportionally to the time you skipped. Note: this doesn’t work for trying to get more daily silver tickets, and changing the time might make you missed out on daily login rewards.

– For iOS – (If you’re currently on Battle Cats, close it with multi-task(double tap home)) Go to your settings, general, and date and time. Set automatic time to off (if you have it on, otherwise ignore this step) and manually set the date back 2 days. Re-open Battle Cats and once you skip the beginning cutscene, you should be at the main menu. Multi-task quit it once again and change the date back to the current date. Re-open Battle Cats and all your energy should be restored! If you get an error message, set automatic time, wait for it to calibrate the time, and turn it off. Redo all the steps here once you’ve done this to fix errors. Not endorsed by Nurse Wuffa.

“Scum Saving” trick

– Android- Download the Helium app and back up your save file. Use your cat food/gold tickets/silver tickets to “preview” what you will get. Restore your save file afterwards. NOTE: Your draws are predetermined up to a certain number of cats. If you draw a pogo cat and restore your data and draw again, you will get another pogo cat. However, if you draw an uber rare from one event (let’s say Cat Babies, boo, from the Dynamites), you can restore your data and wait till the next gacha event. If you draw this time, your next draw will be a guaranteed Uber Rare from that set (so you have a chance at getting one of the OP dragon emperors).

(2.9) Hacking Battle Cats

~Disclaimer: I am not encouraging you to hack Battle Cats, as it will take the fun out of playing the game, and assume no responsibility if anything goes wrong and you mess up your device. You have been thoroughly warned~

Preface- Most of your Battle Cats data is saved on your device, so you can hack the game in 2 ways: Switch out the save file for a hacked one [Root required for Android, no Jailbreak required for iOS], or actively alter values in the app (which allows you to access unreleased content) [Root/Jailbreak required]. Since I am only familiar with the former, I can only discuss how to do that. If you want to perform the latter action, ask someone else who has done it before.

First, download a hacked save. For iOS, you will need a program that allows you to access your apps and data (ex: iFunBox). Find the Battle Cats and replace all the necessary files with the ones from the hacked save. Make sure the app is off before doing this. For Android, you just need a Rooted device and to replace the save file with the hacked one.

Hacked saves (Link might be taken down at any given time):

iOS <Almost maxed XP and Cat Food, no chapter/SoL progression>

iOS <All cats (including all gacha, up to Ancient Hero Souls, all true forms>

Android: <None at the moment>

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Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (10)

(3.1) Chapter 1

When you first start Battle Cats, you will only be able to access chapter 1, and the “Battle” and “Upgrade” menus. Only after beating stage 1-7 (Japan) will you be able to access the rest of the menu options. The first six stages are simple and only have to spam all your cats before winning.

A few tips for beginners:

– DO NOT click on the black sun-like thing in the background. That is God Cat. (IF you have bought it) When you first click him, he gives you a free power-up, so save it when you need it (namely 3-48). If you have already clicked on him, I suggest you clear the app cache (for Android) or multi-task close the game(for iOS) if you haven’t gotten very far in the game.

– Do not unlock/upgrade all the cats you get in the beginning. You just need to upgrade Axe Cat as many times as you can before reaching stage 1-7 (Japan). If you need to, replay a few of the previous stages to farm some XP.

– The first 6 stages should be easy. Produce Cats, Wall Cats, and Axe Cats when you have the $ and upgrade worker cat (bottom left hand corner) when you’re waiting for the cooldowns.

– Once you beat stage 7, you will be able to now get daily rewards. Some events may be on, such as free cat food or rare cat ticket(s). You can redeem these tickets at the rare cat capsule or use cat food to spin the capsule for a cat. If you do spin and get a cat, do NOT upgrade it. These cats tend to waste lots of XP, only upgrade them if they can contribute to the battle (strong against reds, freezes floating, etc.)

Stage 1-7 (Japan) Strategy

Here is your first boss fight: Hippoe! He (she?) is tanky and does a ton of damage. To beat him (her?), try to do this:

– Stall the enemies. You want your Cat Jobs (bottom left corner) to be at level 8 so play defensively. Produce enough regular and tank cats to keep the enemy units from reaching your base, but not so many as to reach the enemy base. When your cat jobs is at level 8, start producing as many gross cats (as well as regular and tank). By the time you reach the enemy base, you should have a stack of gross cats and be able to defeat Hippoe with relative ease. If you lose, try farming some more XP from previous levels to upgrade Axe Cat.

Stage 1-48 (Moon) Strategy

Here is the first official boss: The Face! This time, he will appear at the start of the stage, but will move really slowly so don’t worry. In this stage (and almost all subsequent Battle Cat stages), Dragon Cat (if you haven’t evolved Lizard Cat already, do it!) will be your hero. His long range will damage and outrange the boss. Also, it is recommended that you get 100% treasures in the following: Energy Drink, Cat Production, Legendary Cat Shield, and Legendary Cat sword. How to beat this stage:

– Start by producing macho/wall cats to slow down the enemy units while leveling up Cat Jobs to a respectable level (doesn’t need to be lvl 8). Produce as many dragon cats and sexy legs cats (prioritize dragon) as you can, as well as brave/whale cats whenever there are red enemies. Keep up the stream of macho/wall cats to protect your long range cats. Eventually, your cats will reach The Face, but he should only be able to kill the macho/wall cats acting as a meatshield while the dragons/sexy leg cats safely bash away at his HP. Once you beat him, spam all your available cats to destroy the base and complete chapter 1! Now, the SoL chapters and chapter 2 should be available.

(3.2) Chapter 2

Congrats! You beat Chapter 1 and now are on Chapter 2! On this chapter, it will cost more cat energy to play missions, enemies are stronger, and cats will cost more to produce! However, the gameplay is the same as the Chapter 1, so you will need to conquer the world again and find treasures. Any Buffs you unlock in this chapter will stack with the Buffs from Chapter 1, so you will still need to get as many treasures as possible. Grind your way through to the final stage- the moon. Make sure you have as many treasures as possible, as they will make your life easier. User Rank is also unlocked in this chapter.

Stage 2-48 (Moon) Strategy

Your second final boss is: Dark Emperor Nyandam! Like The Face, he will appear at the beginning of the stage and slowly make his way towards your base. Your strategy in this fight will be the same though: try to build up as many dragon cats to fight him while protecting them with macho/wall cats, but this time, don’t hesitate to send in your anti-red cats (brave and whale). This battle may take more time because Nyandam’s attacks will outrange all of your cats (and he has area attack), but his attacks have a long cooldown, allowing you to get in good damage between each of his attacks.

When you win, congratulations! You have raised the level cap to 20 AND you have gotten the awesome Valkyrie Cat! She’s a fast moving, high damage, quick attacking unit that will make your life much easier. Now head on to Chapter 3 and prepare for the final chapter!

(3.3) Chapter 3

The final regular chapter! It’s the same deal as Chapter two: stronger enemies, higher cat costs, and higher cat energy costs. Just like before, get as many treasures as you can. However, for this boss stage, you will need ALL the treasures you can get.

Stage 3-48 (Moon) Strategy

The final boss of The Battle Cats story mode will be radically different from any other enemy you have faced before. He’s tanky (⅓ the health of the enemy base). He’s fast (he flies for crying out loud) and attacks swiftly. And his punches will send your cats to heaven in one hit (no joke!). He’s the one and only Bun Bun Teacher. You have not faced true terror in this game until you have faced him.

First off, a disclaimer: when I said that you need ALL the treasures, I wasn’t joking. You will need all the necessary treasures and 100% Buffs to fight this guy and live. And if you haven’t already, make sure all your Cats and Cat Base Skills are fully upgraded. You will need these 100% Buffs from ALL 3 CHAPTERS:

Energy Drink (Increase $ production)

Relativity Clock (Decrease Cat Production Cooldown)

Legendary Cat Shield (Increase Cat units’ HP)

Legendary Cat Sword (Increase Cat units’ Attack)

Technically you could win without having 100% in these, but it’s highly advised that you don’t. Against Bun Bun Teacher, you will want as much help as you can get.

Thankfully, unlike Chapters 1 and 2, the boss does not appear at the beginning of the stage, but when the enemy base’s HP reaches a certain number. Take advantage of this by building up as many strong cats as possible.

At the start of the stage, you will get rushed by a kangaroo. Stall it by sending out macho and wall cats alternatively. When you have enough $, produce a dragon cat to whittle away at its hp. Produce as many dragon cats as you can, while keeping up the meatshield spam to protect them, and upgrade worker cat as much as possible. You will need it at level 8 before you reach the base. Once you kill off the kangaroo, the rest of the enemies shouldn’t be a problem. Now, try to build a horde of Dragon cats, only dragon cats – no Valkyrie yet, as well as macho/wall cats to protect them. Here, you don’t want too many of them lest you get the “Too many cats” message. You just need just enough (5 of each on the front line) to protect the dragons, sending in more only when the frontline ones start dying. Your goal here is to build as many dragon cats as possible while advancing as slowly as possible. When your horde reaches the base, continue using the current strategy. When the enemy base reaches 800k HP, start spamming as many macho/wall cats as you can, as well as any other strong cat (sexy legs, UFO, titan, valkyrie). Time the macho/wall cat spam so that you produce one when the other’s cooldown is halfway done. By the time the base reaches the ~600k HP mark, your meatshield spam should have reached the base by now. Now is the hard part. Bun Bun Teacher will appear in a shockwave and start pummeling at your cats. Don’t pay attention to the battle, but to the cooldowns. Produce as many strong cats as you can (be careful you don’t run out of $ for the meatshield cats) and continue your macho/wall cat spam. The macho/wall cats should slow the boss from advancing too quickly and prevent him from killing your dragon cats too early. It’s normal if he eventually breaks through your front lines and kills off your dragon cats, but keep the same strategy as when he first appears. Your first wave of dragon cats should have dealt a large amount of damage to him and the next wave should finish him off. With luck and patience, he will finally die and you will win the battle!

Or you know, use some ubers…..

Congrats! You have finished Chapter 3, unlocked True Forms for your basic cats, and unlocked Bahamut Cat, the one of the strongest cats in the game (60,000 damage at level 20)! Now, you can head onto the more challenging SoL chapters. Don’t worry, cats will cost as much as they did in Chapter 2.

(Back to Contents)


Stories of Legend chapters are significantly harder than the regular chapters, so it is highly recommended that you get 100% (or close to it) treasures in all previous 3 chapters. Cats here cost as much as they do in Chapter 2. In SoL, there is no God.٩(ↀДↀ)۶

(4.1) Stories of Legend Subchapters

Finishing these subchapters will give you 30 cat food (one time bonus). Beating one will unlock the next. Currently there are 21 subchapters, each with 8 or 6 stages. For strategies against specific stages and/or SoL events, check out Nurse Wuffa’s youtube channel. Note that all SoL stages have an extremely low chance to drop a power up or XP, and some even have a very low chance to drop a special cat.

*Villain’s Jungle (found in Alcatraz) is currently the only SoL stage that has a chance to drop a treasure radar (and the only stage to cost a non multiple of 5 energy, 112).

Completing a stage will unlock the next star difficulty (2 then 3). Star difficulties allow you to recomplete the subchapter at a higher difficulty (1.5x increased enemy strength magnification on 2-star and 2x increased enemy strength magnification on 3-star) and redeem 30 cat food upon completion.

Current Star difficulties enabled:

3-Star: The Legend Begins → Stairway to Darkness

2-Star: Prince of Darkness → Scars of War

1-Star: Sea Polluter

(4.2) Daily Stages

These timed stages re-occur from time to time, usually on a fixed schedule. Beating these stages gives a chance at dropping a power-up item or cat.

-(Stage name)-(Duration)-(# of stages)- Loot

Monday Stage (24 hrs)(3)- Rich Cat

Tuesday Stage (24 hrs)(3)- Speed Up

Wednesday Stage (24 hrs)(3)- Cat Jobs

Thursday Stage (24 hrs)(3)- Sniper Cat

Friday Stage (24 hrs)(3)- Cat CPU

Weekend XP Stage (48 hrs)(6)- Extra XP (compared to other stages)

Crimson Catastrophe (Mondays, 24 hrs)(1)- Space Cat (40%)

Heaven of Darkness (Wednesdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Bronze Cat (40%)

Peerless (Fridays, 24 hrs)(1)- Rope Jump Cat (40%)

Wrath of Heaven (Saturdays, 24 hrs) (1)- Clockwork Cat (30%)

Sweet Irony (Tuesdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Hoop Cat (30%)

Dimension of Despair (Thursdays, 24 hrs)(1)- Drumcorps Cat (30%)

Silver Ticket Chance Stage (1 hr)(1)- Silver Ticket (30%)

-There’s a schedule for when this stage occurs. Stages activate in your timezone. (The first number is the date of the month, the second is the time):

1st – 7pm

2nd – 12pm

6th – 12pm

8th – 6pm

12th – 3pm

13th – 12pm

17th – 7pm

19th – 12pm

20th – 5pm

23rd – 2pm

25th – 12pm

28th – 4pm

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (11)

Siege of Hippoe Stage (1 hr)(1)- Silver Ticket (100%)

– Occurs 3 times every month.

4th – 7pm to 8pm

14th – 10pm to 11pm

24th – 7pm to 8pm

XP Stage (Scheduled, 1 hr)(6)- Extra XP

– This is the same stage as the weekend XP stage, just at specific times.

1st, 11th, 21st, 31st – 1pm

2nd, 12th, 22nd – 2pm

3rd, 13th, 23rd – 3pm

4th, 14th, 24th – 4pm

5th, 15th, 25th – 5pm

6th, 16th, 26th – 6pm

7th, 17th, 27th – 7pm

8th, 18th, 28th – 8pm

9th, 19th, 29th – 9pm

10th, 20th, 30th – 10pm

XP Megablitz Stage (Scheduled, 1 hr)(1)- Extra XP, XP drop chance (?%)

3rd – 12pm

5th – 7pm

9th – 12pm

15th – 12pm

18th – 12pm

20th – 10pm

22nd – 12pm

26th – 10pm

30th – 12pm

2x Treasure Chance (Scheduled, 1 hr) (Not a stage)

Mondays – 12pm – 1pm

Wednesdays – 9pm – 10pm

Fridays – 12pm – 1pm

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (12)

Crazed Cat Stages (1 level per stage)

– Hard+++ levels (The first stage is titled “Dark Souls” for crying out loud) that are immensely difficult (you really want true forms for these) but give an amazing crazed cat unit upon beating them. These stages happen every 3rd day of the month, with a different stage each time. Stages repeat every month.

(day)-(reward)-(stage name)(misc)

3rd – Crazed Cat – Dark Souls (referencing the Dark Souls game and hinting how hard the game and the Crazed Cat stage is)

6th – Crazed Tank Cat – Absolute Defense (referencing the tank cat’s high health)

9th – Crazed Axe Cat – Berserk (referencing the attack speed of axe cat)

12th – Crazed Gross Cat – Festival Gross (referencing the amount of Grosses spawned)

15th – Crazed Cow Cat – Head Shaker (referencing its attack animation)

18th – Crazed Bird Cat – Flappy Cat (referencing the game Flappy Bird)

21st – Crazed Fish Cat – Fish Hell (referencing the amount of Fishes spawned)

24th – Crazed Lizard Cat – Mammals? (referencing if lizard cat is really a mammal)

27th – Crazed Titan Cat – Crazy Cats (referencing the personality of the crazed cats)

Awakening Stages (2 levels per stage)

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (13)

– Hard/Hard+ levels that are hard to extremely hard in difficulty (assuming you have crazed cats) but reward you with the true form of the corresponding cat. Stages appear by a certain cat order every weekend and repeat every month.

As of October 2015, Awakening stages now recur in two day intervals every month from 7am to 2pm on the first day, and 5pm to 12am on the second.

(day)-(event name)-(stage name)-(misc)

1st & 2nd – Dom Awakens! – Whipped into Shape (referencing Dom Cat’s whip and the phrase for exercising/training)

3rd & 4th – Panties Awakens – No Frills Evolution (referencing how pointless the lollipop cat is(?))

5th & 6th – Kung Fu Awakens! – Path of Kung-Fu (referencing dedicating one’s life to kung fu)

7th & 8th – Bondage Awakens! – Bound to Evolve (referencing a play on words with “bound” (tying) and “bound” (heading towards)).

9th & 10th – Zombie Awakens – Shambling Along (referencing the way zombies walk)

11th & 12th – Boogie Awakens! – Boogie Up (referencing PARTYING!!!!111)

13th & 14th – Samurai Awakens! – Way of the Samurai (possibly referencing a video game series of the same name)

15th & 16th – Box Cats Awakens! – Boxing Clever (referencing the phrase “to use one’s resources beyond conventional ways.”)

17th & 18th – Ninja Awakens! – Way of the Ninja (referencing Way of the Samurai)

19th & 20th – Mr. Awakens! – Mr.-ious Evolution (referencing a pun with the words Mr. and mysterious)

21st & 22nd – Tricycle Awakens – Hell on 3 Wheels (referencing the difficulty of the stage and the tricycle)

23rd & 24th – Skirt Awakens – Skirting Danger (referencing a play on words with the clothing skirt and the other skirt (to go around)

25th & 26th – Sumo Awakens – Oh Yokozuna (referencing the highest rank of a sumo wrestler, a Yokozuna.)

27th & 28th – Actress Awakens! – Taking the Stage (referencing how celebrities usually “take the stage”)

(Back to Contents)

These stages last for a month and have 8 or 6 stages. Beating each stage gives a chance at unlocking the event cat, each progressive stage giving a higher chance at obtaining the event cat. Using treasure tracker will unlock the event cat at any stage. And like all other subchapters, finishing the event stages will give you a one time 30 cat food bonus. Has 3-star difficulty enabled.

Events: (Time – Event Name – Reward)

October – Occult Festival – Evil/Gentleman Cat

November – Loving Labor – Salaryman/Grudge Cat

December – Jingle Cat Bell – Reindeer Fish/Sashimi Cat

January – Happy New Year? – Adult/Sick Cat

February – Bears be Bare – Doll Cats/Cat-o-tron

March – Teacher! It’s Spring! – Maiden/Sportsgirl Cat

April – Old Guys About Town – Kung Fu Cat X/Drunken Master Cat X

May – Love is Sickness! – Koi Cat/Gross Koi Cat

June – The Forbidden Bride – Madame Bride/Madame King

July – Never Summer! – Vacation Queen/Office Lady Cat

August – Ghostly Houseguests – Vengeful Cat/Groucho Cat

September – Autumn = Sports Day! – Sports Day Cat/Kidnapper Cats

Added into Version 3, the newest chapter has stage all time limited stages, meaning completing them fast will net you with rewards, ranging from powerups, 10 cat food, and rare/silver tickets. They also introduce the new Alien counterparts of your former enemies, and also includes some new ones. Has Chapter 2 prices, so don’t worry. Unlike SoL, God is there (Duh, it’s in the future!)

Upon tapping Into The Future, the background of the main screen changes.

(4.4.1) Chapter 4/Time Enough For Cats

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (14)

Time Enough For Cats, Into the Future Chapter 1 or simply Chapter 4, is the first chapter which was added in version 3, in which you are introduced to alien enemies (not counting SoL if you’ve seen them there.) Treasures are nonlinear and have different effects. (see Treasures) You will face I.M. Phace at The Great Abyss, the midpoint of the chapter, Nimoy Bore at Floating Continent, the second to last stage, and Cli-One at Moon, the last stage. You unlock more cat combos when finishing this chapter.

(4.4.2) Chapter 5/Alien Intrigue; A Maiden’s Revenge

Alien Intrigue; A Maiden’s Revenge, Into the Future Chapter 2 or simply Chapter 5, was added in version 3.1. It introduces more alien versions of SoL and basic chapter enemies, along with some new additions. Treasures give same effects as Chapter 4 did. You will face Galactic Overseer Nyandam at The Great Abyss, another Nimoy Bore with Maawth and Cyberhorn at Floating Continent, and Corrupted Valkyrie at Moon. You will unlock Valkyrie’s true form when finishing this chapter.

(4.4.3.) Chapter 6/The Ancients Arise: Take Back Earth!

The Ancients Arise: Take Back Earth!, Into the Future Chapter 3 or simply Chapter 6, is the final chapter and conclusion(?) of Into the Future. It was added in version 3.5. and added even more alien versions of SoL and basic chapter enemies. Treasures are the same, and you will face Snail Bun Bun(?) at The Great Abyss, ? at Floating Continent, and Corrupted Bahamut at Moon. You will unlock the stupidly-high-DPS true form Bahamut Cat when finishing this chapter.


<DISCLAIMER: These evaluations are subjective and are based off our observations>


Note: Includes BCJP exclusive cats, some outdated information, and doesn’t include every cat.

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (15)
Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (16)

Link for larger images:


Here’s a list of all the cats obtainable through the premium gacha and their special abilities, as well as ratings (out of 10, 1 being crappy and 10 being amazing.) All the rare cat capsule cats’ level cap is level 70 (level 30 MAX +40); super rares and uber rare cat capsule cats’ level cap is level 60 (level 30 MAX +30). Leveling does not increase proc rate for cats that do have abilities, although there are some exceptions when certain cats are leveled to level 10.

🔼= Cat who stops moving after an attack, and has its attack animation reset after being knocked back.

(Back to Contents)

(5.1) Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)

Pogo/Masai Cat – Low cost, high summoning rate, able to survive a lethal strike – 5/10

– He’s a meatshield, but an expensive meatshield. Samba Cat is cheaper. And cuter. As of Version 3, he gains the ability to have a chance to resist one hit that would normally kill him, allowing him to actually fill in the position of a meatshield. Still expensive, but much more balanced out. Useful against high damage, slow attack cooldown and mobility enemies such as Dark Emperor Nyandam and THE SLOTH.

Wheel/Solar Cat – Area Attack and deals x3 damage to Alien Enemies – 5/10

– He’s slightly stronger than UFO cat, but can’t compare to The Flying Cat, the true form of UFO cat. And his attack animation is longer than that of UFO/The Flying Cat. As of Version 4, he gains triple damage towards alien enemies. Better, but still expensive. Useful against strong alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Elizabeth the LVIth if protected with the “freeze” ability.

Salon/Paris Cat – <Area Attack> – 11/10

– Excellent Cat unit. She is pretty much a Sexy Legs Cat with area attack and higher knockback rate. She’s also a must-have unit for the SoL subchapters. Useful against pretty much any enemy in the game, except for maybe high range, high attack speed and damage enemies such as Master A. and Camelle.

Version 4 allows for +40 Rare Cats. Paris will shred through everything.

Jurassic/Jurassic Sitter Cat – Has a chance to attack with criticals (5%) – 5/10

– His criticals make short work of metal enemies, but his point blank range makes it near impossible for him to land more than 2 attacks before getting killed. Useful against short ranged metal enemies such as Metal Hippoe and Metal One-Horn.

Viking/Thor Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes 0.5 less damage from red enemies – 6/10

– He’s a stronger version of Brave Cat, but tankier/weaker than Whale Cat. However, since Brave and Whale Cat have true forms, they eventually become stronger than this cat. Don’t use him unless you’re really having trouble with red enemies. Can possibly replace Axe Cat if Dark or C. Brave cats are not available.

Pirate/Captain Cat – Can knockback red enemies (20%) – 7/10

– While his health and attack are unimpressive, his knockback ability is exceedingly useful. Although his knockback is inconsistent, spamming him will make up for it. Has a short attack range. Useful against threatening high healh red enemies such as Bore and Shy Boy. He’s rated much higher because of the Last Gang stage.

Thief/Phantom Thief Cat – Increases money earned from defeated enemies – 2/10

– While useful at first in the regular Chapters, his poor stats make him unusable for the SoL chapters.

Bishop/Monk Cat – Can slow down floating enemies (20%) – 6/10

– Weak stats and slow is the worst effect (compared to freeze and knockback). However, his attack rate is higher than average. Useful against troublesome short ranged floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone.

Fortune Teller/Fisherman Cat – Can knockback floating enemies (30%) – 7/10

– Mediocre stats, but has a good chance of knocking back floating enemies. Can be spammed to increase knockback success chance, which can result in stunlocking enemies. Useful against threatening high health floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone.

Shaman/Necromancer Cat – Can freeze floating enemies (20%) – 7/10

– His stats are poor and proc rates are relatively low, but when it does proc, it can make all the difference in a losing battle. Useful against troublesome short ranged floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone.

Witch/Sorceress Cat – Can slow red enemies (20%) – 7/10

– While she has low attack and proc rate for slow, her attack rate is fast compared to other cats. More attacks increases the chance of proc’ing the slow. Useful against threatening red enemies such as Bore or Shy Boy.

Archer/Cupid Cat – Does 3x damage to flying enemies – -100000/10

– His base damage is pretty low, is single target, and cannot survive a hit from anything. It is recommended to exchange this cat for XP if you get him more than once, or increase your user rank by 1. (If you get him the first time, you can use it as a part of your collection of rares). Useless.

Swordsman/Sword Master Cat – Does 3x damage to red enemies – 7/10

– Decent stats, a fast attack rate, and 3x damage to red enemies lets him chew through red enemies with ease. While situational, he’s definitely a godsend against tough red bosses, like Bore.

Gunslinger/Cat Eastwood Cat – Might slow black enemies (30%) – 6/10

– Typical Rare Cat health and damage, and has an OK ability. He has some range, but longer-than-average attack rate. If protected correctly, he can slow down those fast black enemies.

Stilts/Totem Cat – Might knockback angel enemies (30%) – 6.5/10

– Below average damage and OK health. This cat is very effective against Divine Cyclone due to his ability (similar to Momotaro), and can safely attack the cyclone due to his medium range.

Tin/Plane Cat – Might knockback black enemies (50%) – 6/10

– This cat has unusually high health and range, which is great with his ability, allowing him to attack black enemies safely. Black Otters, see you later! Only bad thing is his attack power, which is very low. Use him as support.

Rocker/Artist Cat – Takes ¼ of damage inflicted from angel enemies – 8/10

– Like Lion Cat, but a lot slower. Relatively spammable and has relatively high health (about the same as a Lv20+30 King Dragon!) He has some range, which makes him very effective on Divine Cyclone. Makes most angel-heavy stages like Broken Mask a breeze.

Mer-Cat/Commando Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes .5 less damage from floating enemies and is able to survive a lethal strike – 3/10

– Think of a snail and imagine a cat having its speed. This is how slow this cat is (slower than Bahamut). Basically, she will die before dealing any major damage to floating enemies. Recommended for user rank purposes. Useful for special enemy compositions such as the Labyrinth of Hades. As of Version 4, like Pogo, she can resist one kill hit, but she’s just too slow to stall anything….

Psychocat/Neo Psychocat – Can slow Alien Enemies (50%) – 7/10

– He can slow aliens, but in exchange, is single target. Fortunately, he’s fairly cheap to produce and can easily be stacked. Useful against tough alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cosmic Cyclone.

Onmyouji/Magica Cat – Can reduce any enemy’s (except metal) attack power by 50% (50%) – 7/10

– This cat would be insanely broken… if she had an area attack. The ability to reduce enemy’s’ attack is incredibly strong, but to balance this skill, this cat has a longish attack animation, single target attacks, and short/medium range. Use her alongside cats that can impede enemy advancement to create a devastating combo. Useful against high damage enemies that it can reach, such One-Horn and Bore.

Droid/Droid Cat/SpringDroid – Takes ¼ damage from metal enemies – 1/10 (NOT AVAILABLE IN BCEN YET)

– A literal Android that you can use in battle! However, for a unit that is suppose to soak up damage, it has surprisingly low health and damage. It also moves extremely slowly, however its movement is somewhat appealing (?) as it dances. It also stays still for about 4 seconds after initiating its attack. True form lowers production time. Somewhat useful against metal enemies such as EMH and Sir Metal Seal.

Marshmallow Cat/Creepmallow – <none> – 0/10

– Deliciously useless, except for campfires. Low damage and health. Has a great visual model though.

Pumpcat/Cat O’ Lantern – None/Can stop Black enemies (20%) – 9/10 (Different in each form)

Basic – Just like Catburger: Can be used as purely as another meatshield.

Evolved – Although the stats may be bad, it doesn’t matter; most cats with abilities are pretty much used only for their, well, abilities. This cat is a bit different; it actually has some range! Good for early black encounters to mid-game.

Bronze/Michelangelo Cat – Can knockback Metal enemies (20%) – 9/10

– While he’s weak and dies easily, he can knockback Metal enemies, which will become one of the most useful skills in the game against the challenging Metal enemies that won’t die from just one critical (Metal Cyclone *shudders*).

Space/Major Space Cat – Can Critical attack (1%) – 9/10

– While his damage and critical chance is low, he’s one of the few free cyclone cats that can critical. Also, he’s medium ranged, so he won’t die as fast as long as there’s macho/wall cats protecting him. Very useful against metal enemies.

Rope Jump/Pair Rope Jump Cat – Can Critical attack (2%) – 3/10 (10/10 if actually glitched)

– He’s a close ranged cat that is super spammable. In my book, any close-ranged cat with a low critical chance that dies quickly isn’t worth it. Jurassic cat is better. Useful against short ranged metal enemies, such as Metal Hippoe and Metal One-Horn.

(Psst, Wumbokill here, I’ve noticed Pair Jump Rope Cat has strange properties, as tested in Utopia is Over There, and I’d like for anyone reading this to help me figure out this weird cat. He somehow gets into melee range of Sir Metal Seal w/o dying or getting knocked back, which shouldn’t happen.)

Clockwork/Puppeteer Cat – Can slow metal enemies (20%) – 6/10

– Fast movement speed and short ranged, instant attack. Bronze Cat can do much better than this guy, and metal enemies are slow to begin with. Not recommended to use, although in Sweet Irony he can shut down the movements of all of the enemies down severely. Useful against fast or extremely powerful Metal enemies such as EMH and Metal Cyclone.

Hoop/Showoff Cat – Can stop metal enemies (20%) – 6/10

– It’s ironic how this cat has a great ability that only shines in its specific stage, where it appears as a treasure. Not recommended to use unless you find metals hard to deal with.

Drumcorps/Banner Cat – Can reduce metal enemy damage by half (40%) – 3/10

– Has short-mid ranged and fast attacks. Pretty good for a debuff unit. Useful against high damage metal enemies, such as Sir Metal Seal and Metal Cyclone.

A Gift of Cats/Cat’s Gift – Can stop angel enemies (30%) – 6/10

– Cats in a Box or Apple Cat reskin? You decide. Unlike Cats in a Box, the unevolved version of this cat does not have area attack. This unit has really poor stats overall (if you’re talking mid to endgame) but hey, they move pretty fast though.

(Only in BCJP)

Nyanko Kart R/Nyanko Kart G – Increases money earned from defeated enemies – 7/10

– It’s a Mayro Mario and Luugee Luigi Cat! Fast movement, good ability, cheap, and easily stackable. Useful for product promotion.

(Back to Contents)

(5.2) Super Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)

Hip Hop/Dancing Flasher Cat – Can slow red enemies (40%) – 7/10

– After looking at this cat, he actually has very balanced stats. having the same health and damage. His ability makes him have a better rating too: slowing Red enemies for 180f (which is as long as Oda Nobunaga’s freeze time.) However, he has long attack animations, single target and long attack cooldowns. Useful in situations similar to Witch Cat.

Nerd/Hacker Cat🔼- Has Uber long distance attack (tripled the range of lizard/dragon cat) – 8/10

– An underrated cat. He provides safe damage from a distance and outranges all enemies in SoL. At first, he’s useless because he has a single target attack, but his evolution grants him an area attack. He is really useful for taking on Camelles and Dark Emperor Nyandams, but once you get true form cats, you won’t need him as much. Prone to shockwaves due to low health.

Swimmer/Butterfly Cat🔼- Does 3x damage to flying enemies – 8/10

– A great anti-air cat. Her only problem is her point blank range and long pauses between attacks, which doesn’t allow her to survive long against most Flying enemies (who are close ranged, do tons of damage, and have fast attacks). And she’s single target, which means mob enemies can easily body-block her attacks. A very good replacement to Archer Cat. Powerful send against floating enemies like Bun Bun Teacher and Cli-One and shockwave enemies.

Sushi/Fried Shrimp Cat – Takes ¼ of damage inflicted from red enemies and can decrease the attack power of them by 50% (20%) – 8/10

– I’m biased against most “take ¼ damage” cats. Because they’re super rare and up, they have long cooldowns and high costs, making them expensive meatshields. Newest buff makes this unit very good against tough red enemies like Bores and Shy Boys.

Kotatsu/Sadako Cat – Takes ¼ of damage inflicted from floating enemies and can decrease the attack power of them by 50% (30%) – 7/10

– I’m biased against most “take ¼ damage” cats. Because they’re super rare and up, they have long cooldowns and high costs, making them expensive meatshields. Exceptionally powerful against singular strong floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and Big Face. Would be just as good as Sushi Cat if it had AOE. Makes for easy early damage on CBC due to its new buff.

Apple/Face Cat – Can freeze red enemies (40%) – 4/10

– While his attacks do a respectable amount of damage, his point blank range and ridiculously long attack animation doesn’t let him survive long. A combination of Rare anti-red cats will fare better than this guy. Useful in situations similar to Pirate Cat.

Bath/Sexy Bathtub Cat – Does 3x damage to red enemies – 7/10

– She deals good damage and is medium ranged, but is single target and has long pauses between attacks. Only deploy against levels teeming with red enemies, such as Red Alert.

Delinquent/Angry Delinquent Cat – Might freeze flying enemies (40%) – 9/10

– He has an area attack that does more damage than most of the other Super Rare cats, very high proc rate, and attacks rapidly. His only downside is his higher-than-normal cost and cooldown and that he’s close range. This guy is incredibly strong in the difficult Cyclone stages. Useful against bothersome floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and Shy Boy, and for detecting who watches Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures.

Bodhisattva/Avalokitesvara Cat – Might slow flying enemies (40%) – 9/10

– His ability is mediocre and he is close ranged, but his stats are pretty decent. His attacks are relatively quick and has an area attack. Extremely effective for stalling airborne enemies. Useful in similar situations as Delinquent Cat, and can be even paired with Delinquent for a devastating anti-floating combo.

Neneko/Miss NENEKO Cat – Can critical attack (15%) – 5/10 (11/10 on Attack on Titanium)

– Super rare equivalent of Moneko. She has more hp and has longer range than Moneko, but has less damage and is still pretty weak compared to other super rare cats. Her crit chance is her only saving grace and will come in handy against the super strong metal enemies (like the metal cyclone, who is flanked by all the other metal enemies in the game except metal doge). Useful against metal enemies, and my heart.

Gold/Gold Macho Cat – Can be exchanged for 999,999 XP – 10/10 (Can be spammed or traded)

– Statwise, he’s just a cat/macho cat. But when you get him, you can exchange him for 1 Million XP. That’s right, 1 MILLION XP. So whatever you do, don’t use him unless you are extremely rich and want to flaunt your wealth. Can serve as another meatshield.

Juliet/Princess Juliet Cat – Might stop angel enemies (40%) – 9/10

– Think of her as a better(ish) Crazed UFO Cat. Deals mega damage, has range, nice ability, and lots of health. Recommended to use in any battle, sometimes replacing Crazed UFO. Can easily lock down angel enemies if she keeps proc’ing her ability. Useful in similar situations to C. UFO and against tough angel enemies such as the Divine Cyclone and Sunfish Jones.

Weightlifter/Ring Girl Cat – Does 3x damage to black enemies – 8/10

– Overall a better-than-average super rare. Strong attack and high health, allowing it to tank black enemies. Her range is a bit of a problem, however. Can outrange Teacher Bun Bun and his black counterpart. Useful for troublesome black enemies such as Shadow Boxers and Bun Bun Black, and for confusing evolution.

Figure Skating/Drama Cats – Area Attack – 10/10

-Think of them as a better Paris Cat. Deals high damage, good health, area attack, and a bit more range than Paris. However, they have a longer cooldown. Useful in situations similar to Paris Cat, which is nearly every stage.

Cat Toaster/Cat Projector – Might slow angel enemies (30%) – 7/10

– Who doesn’t want a toaster? Has a nice ability, good range, and damage, but his attack rate is a bit slow. Useful in situations similar to Juliet Cat (ability-wise), and for making toast.

Cat Base Mini/Cat Base Jr. – Can release a Lv 3 shockwave (100%) – 6/10

– It’s a mini cat base! This cat is a cool trophy, but otherwise in battle he can help stack up damage on some close-range enemies, as long as he is protected. Useful in levels with an unusually large amount of low health mob enemies.

Cat Surfer/Castaway Cat – Able to survive lethal strikes (50%) and can stop Alien Enemies (30%) – 8/10

– This guy is an amazing unit against aliens. Not only can he freeze alien enemies, he can survive a lethal hit and get in one more attack (and a chance to freeze) before kicking the bucket. Adding him to your meatshields will make the Into the Future levels much easier. Useful in situations similar to Psychocat.

Metal/Metal Macho Cat – Takes 1 damage from any source (except criticals) depending on level (Starts with 2 hp at lv 1, and level caps at 20, resulting in 12 hp max) – 7/10

– Extremely effective for stalling high damage, low attack speed units, such as Camelle, Nyandams, Bun Buns, and Sunfish Jones. Just like metal enemies, crits (R. Ost) will destroy him. Make sure to not deploy him against hordes, else he’ll be annihilated.

Rich Cat III/Rich Cat Sr. – Gets 2x money per kill – /10

Sniper the Recruit/Sniper the Heavy – Evolved form grants knockback- /10

Freshman Cat Jobs/Prof. Cat Jobs – Weakens enemies – /10


Crazed/Crazed Macho Cat – Stronger and faster – 10/10

– He’s gonna be your third meatshield cat, after Crazed Wall and Eraser. He’s stronger and faster (and costs the same $ and time to produce) as his original counterpart, so why use Macho cat when you can use freaking Crazed Macho cat?

Crazed Tank/Crazed Wall Cat – Stronger and faster – 10/10

– Stronger and much faster than his counterpart, but is just as tanky! Has the same price and time to produce also. As a sidenote, HE HAS ARMS! Use both for the ultimate shield!

Crazed Axe/Crazed Brave Cat – Stronger and faster – 8.5/10

– Does more damage than his counterpart. Unlike most crazeds, he does not gain a speed boost and has the same speed as his normal counterpart. Nothing really special about him. He just looks much cooler. Extremely effective against bores.

Crazed Gross/Crazed Sexy Legs Cat – 100% chance to release a short-ranged shockwave when attacking- 10/10

– Stronger and faster than her counterpart. Although she has a much more longer time to produce (so not as spammable), she can now release short-ranged shockwaves for some extra damage and excellent knockback. Amazing and versatile cat unit.

Crazed Cow/Giraffe Cat – Now with better stats and area attack! -10/10

– Much, much better than his counterpart. Giraffe/Lion cat’s main problem was his single target damage. Crazed Cow Cat overcomes this weakness and lets you farm silver ticket chance stages twice as fast! As a bonus, the CCC stage is really, really easy to beat.

Crazed Bird/Crazed UFO Cat – Stronger, faster – 10/10

– Stronger and faster than his counterpart. He has an extremely high DPS, combined with his area attack. There’s no reason not to replace The Flying Cat with him.

Crazed Fish/Crazed Whale Cat – Stronger, faster, costs less, deals 1.5x more damage, and takes 0.5x less damage from reds, and can critical attack (2%) – 11/10

– Stronger and faster than his counterpart. He seems to be a stronger clone of his true form counterpart, with his 2% crit chance and 1.5x damage to/.5 damage from red enemies. Can easily replace Island cat. Has a lot of stamina and resists knockback better. Costs less. Criticals do x2 damage to any unit in the game, so this cat gains an extra point.

Crazed Lizard/Crazed Dragon Cat – Stronger, faster, and has a mohawk- 9/10

– Stronger than his counterpart. Aside from the cool flame-breath, he has nothing else. If he had a special ability, he would be the most OP unit in the game, but that is sadly not true. Not swag. Stacking this cat along with King Dragon can help deal a ton of damage.

Crazed Titan/Crazed Mythical (M.) Titan Cat – Stronger, faster, and 10% chance to release shockwave (that covers almost all of the stage) when attacking – 9/10

– Stronger and faster than his counterpart. One of the best cats in the Crazed series. High stamina, power, and a brand new ability: the shockwave, which makes him even more stronger. The range of this shockwave literally nearly covers the whole stage. However, his attack takes some time to charge, so he has a slightly longer attack animation.

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(5.3) Uber Rare Cats (name – ability – rating)

<NOTE: Assume that all Uber Rare Cats have area attacks, unless specified>

Nekoluga/Unknown Cat – Knockback enemies (except Metal) (100%) – 9/10

– He has low health and a slow attack rate, but has a 100% chance to knockback all enemies except for Metal ones. He’s a good cat to have, but he’s expensive and his cooldown time is ridiculously long. Great for certain crazed cats. Useful for many situations, specifically holding back threatening enemies such as Bore and R. Ost.

Asiluga/Asilan Pasalan Cat – Slow enemies (100%) – 9/10

– Sure does stomp lot. This Luga has very long range, along with a nice support ability. Great for any situation if you can fit him into your lineup. Useful in situations similar to Unknown Cat.

Kubiluga/Kubilan Pasalan Cat – Knockback enemies (except Metal) (100%) and a lv 8 wave attack- 8/10

– Head bonk. His abilities pair up so well he can always deal some damage. Capable of pushing enemy lines far back. Unfortunately, his range is quite short for a Luga (450 like Bahamut) and puts him in a bit of a danger zone, since in most stages the enemies will frequently push to Bahamut’s range. Useful in situations similar to Unknown Cat. May not be useful in situations whereas slow attack animation cats are a necessity such as Bahamut Cat and Lil’ Nyandam, as Kubi can cause them to miss their attack.

Tecoluga/Tesalan Pasalan Cat – Can critical attack (10%) – Wuffa approved so score is too high to calculate- /10 (12/10)

– Better known as Mr. Hands. Deals huge damage to any single unit, along with a chance to critical. Since criticals deal x2 damage, multiply his already-high damage, and you have to most damaging unit in the game; against Metal Cyclone, this guy will help you instantly-win if he crits. A must use against tough bosses. Beware of the peons like Snache or any other enemy that are spawned along with the boss; Tecoluga can end up missing! Immensely powerful against metal enemies and enemies that must be killed at all costs, such as R. Ost and Bore.

Balaluga/Balalan Pasalan Cat – Stop enemies (100%) – 9/10

– Think of Hacker Cat with a stopping ability. This is what would happen. This luga deals very miniscule damage, but has a long range attack, making this unit a very useful support cat. Useful in situations similar to Unknown Cat.

Togeluga/Togelan Pasalan Cat – Gets 2x damage upon taking enough damage/Can survive a lethal hit – 9/10

– An energy Godzilla with a thirst for dairy, Togeluga provides towering support with a thundering fist. Togeluga’s purpose is to provide AOE damage to the front lines from a relatively safe distance, much like Bahamut. He also comes with the increase damage upon taking damage ability (less than Bahamut’s at first, but overtakes him when damaged), and the survive one lethal hit ability, which pair up quite nicely. On the down side however, he has very, very sad health (quickly overtaken by the Kang Roos in the Challenge Stage), and he has Bahamut’s range, meaning the enemies are nearly guaranteed to push to him. He also has a noticably shorter cooldown in comparison the the other Lugas, so he can be potentially be stacked. Use him in situations similar to Bahamut.

Ice/Ice Queen Cat – Can freeze Red enemies (50%) – 5/10

– A mediocre cat from this series. She has slow movement, mediocre damage, longish attack animation, long cooldown, and a relatively reliable ability. She’s ok, but not that great unfortunately. However, with the release of Super Ancient Hero Souls’ Momotaro, who has a slightly smaller freeze chance but can freeze Red and Angel enemies and has much higher stats, Ice Queen Cat becomes a relic of the past. Very useful in stopping short ranged red enemies such as Red Cyclone and Bore.

Cat Machine/Cat Machine Mk 2 – Takes ¼ damage from Red and Alien enemies – 2/10

– Again, I’m slightly biased against “take less damage” cats. This cat’s very tanky, has slow movement, and does extreme damage with his area attack, but his attack animation is ridiculously long (even longer than Bahamut cat). Overall, this is a really bad Uber Rare. Slightly more versatile with its newfound ¼ from Aliens ability. Useful against shockwave enemies and some troublesome red enemies such as Dark Emperor Nyandam and possibly Shy Boy.

Lesser Demon/Greater Demon Cat – <none> – 5/10

– One of the only Uber Rare cats without a special ability. He has medium movement speed, a mediocre attack rate, close ranged, and is single target, but does a massive amount of damage per hit. While rendered useless against mob enemies, he makes short work of the tankier mob enemies (Otta-smack-u’s) and long attack cooldown bosses (Nyandam). Useful against shockwave enemies. Fun Fact: He has the highest DPS in the game (discounting Tesalan Pasalan’s crits)

Marauder/Berserker Cat – Can Critical Attack (20%/40%) – 6/10

– To be honest, 20% isn’t very high, but it’s the highest you’re going to get. However, his crit rate gets doubled when he evolves. Other than his critical chance, this cat is pretty bad. Close ranged, low stats, slow movement, long cooldown, you name it. The high crit chance and Area Attack is his only saving grace. He is insanely strong on Attack on Titanium. Way too useful against metal enemies.

Baby Cat/Baby Cats – Can knockback Flying enemies and Alien enemies (30%) – 2/10

– Arguably the worst of this series. Long cooldown, long attack animation, and slow movement speed cannot stand before the typically-fast-and-hard-hitting Flying enemies. By the time he finishes his animation, he’s probably been knocked back. Unless you’re really desperate for uber rares, I’d suggest exchanging him for XP.

In Godiego Pass however, he can deal some massive damage to the Dobers….

In version 3 of The Battle Cats, he gained the ability to knockback Alien enemies. Useful against shockwave enemies and tough floating enemies such as Cli-One and Maawth.

Nurse Cat/Heartful Nurse Cat – Can knockback and slow Black Enemies and Flying Enemies (50%) – 9/10

– Clearly the best cat of this set. She has high-ish damage, slow movement, and a longer-than-average attack animation. However, she has a 50% chance to knockback and slow black and flying enemies which is awesome, given how most flying (cyclones) and black enemies do tons of damage and are close ranged. If you get this cat, consider yourself blessed: you could have gotten much worse uber rares from this set. And the eye candy factor is definitely a bonus. Endorsed by Nurse Wuffa. Useful against troublesome enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and Dark Otta.

Sanada Yukimura/Wargod Yukimura🔼- Deals 3x damage to black enemies – 10/10

– He’s fast, strong area attack, and tears black enemies a new one. He’s also relatively cheaper and has a shorter cooldown than most of the other Uber Rare cats. Only flaw is that he stops moving after finishing an attack. Easily the best character from this series. Useful against all black enemies and shockwave enemies.

Maeda Keiji/Wargod Keiji – Takes ¼ damage from black enemies and damage increases by 100% at 30% health – 7/10

– Another one of those “take ¼ damage” characters, this one is actually ok. He has tanky stats, slow movement, long waits between attacks, short attack animation, and an area attack. However, this guy just got replaced by the Super Ancient Hero Souls’ Gamereon, who takes ¼ damage from black AND angel enemies and has super high stats.

Once again, Godiego Pass; this unit really helps in that level. Useful against all black enemies and shockwave enemies.

Oda Nobunaga/Wargod Nobunaga – Freezes black enemies (100%) – 9/10

– It’s almost unheard of for a unit to have a 100% proc rate. But Oda Nobunaga has it: 100% chance to freeze black enemies, a very long freeze time and an area attack. In exchange, he has poor stats, slow movement, and a somewhat long attack animation (no delay between attacks though). While he can’t take many hits, his freeze ability makes it possible to permanently freeze a black enemy forever, provided the target enemy doesn’t get knocked back. Extremely overpowered against black enemies if it lands a hit.

Date Masamune/Wargod Masamune – Might knockback red and black enemies (40%) – 8/10

– He’s my favorite cat unit appearance-wise (pre-evolution), but sadly, he’s not as good as some other Ubers. He has decent stats compared to other Uber Rare Cats, but his attacks have a long animation. His main usefulness stems from his ability to knock back both red and black enemies and has a reasonably high chance of doing so. Useful against enemies that need to be held back such as Bore and Dark Otta.

Takeda Shingen/Wargod Shingen – Can only attack Alien and Black enemies/Enemy bases – 7/10

– My, how the mighty have fallen. He used to be the ultimate cheese strategy cat; you could stack multiple units of him up and kill the enemy base in one hit without the boss spawning. However, PONOS patched that and now the enemy base will always have 1 hp left and spawn the boss. As for stats, he has good hp and an insane amount of dps, but can only attack/damage black enemies and the enemy base. Since black enemies become less of a problem as you progress through SoL, his usefulness will decrease rapidly as well. I do not recommend leveling this cat unless you are having serious problems with black enemies. Immensely powerful against all black and alien enemies within its reach and on levels where it can safely hit the enemy base until it crumbles.

Note: As of Version 3, he can now attack aliens. Use this in the final level Winning Back of Scars of War, as there is a Nimoy Bore.

Uesugi Kenshin/Wargod Kenshin – 100% chance to knockback black enemies, deals 1.5x more damage to black enemies, and takes 0.5 less damage from black enemies – 8/10

– This Wargod can annihilate black enemies fast, knocking them back + dealing a lot of damage. The only bad thing is that black enemies are already easy enough to knockback. Better than Thundia~ if you know what I mean. Very versatile against all black enemies.

Windy/Windy, type α – Deals x3 damage to flying enemies – 6/10

– One of the two original Galaxy Gals, Windy has mediocre stats and medium movement speed, as well as decent waits between attacks. With the 3x damage boost, she deals relatively more damage than most Uber Rare cats (normal attack does ~18k damage). She’s pretty situational and only good against Floating enemies. Also has most knockbacks in the game (6). Useful against high priority floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone. Prone to shockwaves.

Thundia/Thundia, type β – Deals x3 damage to red enemies – 7/10

– The other original Galaxy Gal. Thundia shares many of the same traits as her sister (Windy), but is strong against red enemies. She also has the same weakness of being very situational. Since there are more Red enemies than Flying enemies, Thundia gets a higher rating. Also, did I mention that she has “bounce physics”? Useful against high priority red enemies such as Bore and Shy Boy.

Kuu/Kuu, type γ – Inflicts x1.5 damage to red and black enemies, while only taking ½ damage from them – 7/10

– You would think Kuu would be extremely overpowered due to her ability to deal 1.5x damage to and take ½ damage from red and black enemies, but sadly, PONOS gave her mediocre stats. With her current stats and ability, she comes out as pretty decent against red and black enemies. However, with her long waits between attacks, she doesn’t fare well against normal enemies. Did I mention her panty shot? Useful against high priority enemies such as Bore and Shadow Boxers.

Kai/Kai, type μ – Takes ¼ damage from floating enemies and can survive a lethal strike – 8/10

– I’ve made it clear I don’t like “Take ¼ damage” units, and this one is no exception. Slow movement, long attack animations, and waits between attacks in exchange for slight tankiness against Floating enemies doesn’t cut it for me. She’s cute, but unpractical. Oh, and she can only take a few hits from the Cyclones before dying, so she’s definitely not worth her high cost. – TehPenguin

– She’s better than you actually think; high stats but close range. If you need a unit to tank through a ranged enemy (buffed Le’boins) then this is your unit. – BattleCate

– Useful against bothersome enemies such as Cli-One and Maawth. Also useful against shockwave enemies. – Wumbokill

Coppermine/Coppermine, type κ – Might freeze floating enemies (50%) – 6/10

– She can do decent amounts of damage and has a great skill with relatively high proc rates. However, she has medium movement, long attack animations, and long waits between attacks. Also, since she is a mid ranged unit, she will sometimes get knocked back before being able to complete her attack animation. Not a great unit, but not the worst of the set. Also, she too has “bounce physics”. Useful in locking down tough floating enemies such as Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone.

Kalisa/Kalisa, type Χ – Deals 3x damage to angel enemies – 8/10

– Looks like a certain well-known character, and also one of Wuffa’s favorite due to this reference. This cat can be somewhat useful endgame due to her ability. Moves very fast but stops after attacking for a few seconds. Useful against all angel enemies.

Megidora/Holy Dragon Megidora – Might knockback flying enemies and stop the movement of them (50%) – 10/10

– This character is awesome, no doubt about it. Fast movement speed, high damage (20k per hit), medium attack animation, and almost no delay between attacks make this dragon emperor a god. His only flaw is that his range is just above Dragon’s meaning if your Dragon line goes down, he will soon follow, but that gets negated by his high chances to knockback and freeze Flying enemies. Immensely powerful against enemies like Bun Bun Teacher and White Cyclone.

Sodom/Earth King Sodom – Only takes ¼ damage from Flying enemies and might knockback Flying enemies (50%) – 10/10

– Sodom is essentially an earthbound (better) Bahamut cat. He has just under Dragon’s range (390 compared to 400), higher attack, long animations, and delays between attacks, but has much slower movement speed and much higher cost.Along with his “take ¼ damage” and knockback skills, this cat is seriously awesome. And as a bonus, he has a relatively shorter cooldown time compared to the other characters in this set. Useful in situations similar to Megidora.

Vars/Dragon King Vars – Can knockback and slow Black enemies (50%) – 10/10

– This cat was made to destroy the black enemies that swarm you. He has good stats, relatively high damage, medium movement speed, medium attack animations, and no delays between attacks. Other than his expensive cost and ridiculously long cooldown time, there’s not much to complain about this cat. A fair warning: his animated attack and actual attack range do not correspond (the tip of his spear overextends his attack range). Very useful in keeping all black enemies at bay.

Kamukura/God Dragon Kamukura – Can knockback and slow Red enemies (50%) – 10/10

– It’s like the cats gathered all 7 dragon balls and wished for a hero that can utterly annihilate Bore. And this dragon emperor was the result of that wish. This dragon seriously lays waste to red enemies. Kamukura has a decent time between attacks (twice as fast as Bahamut). His 50% knockback and slow ability are a very strong combination. If you lose to red enemies while using this unit, you’re probably doing something wrong. Absolutely dominates all red enemies.

Raiden/Dragonslayer Raiden – Can knockback Red enemies (100%) – 10/10

– I’ll be frank: I don’t have a very favorable impression of this cat. Maybe it’s because he always ended up causing Kamukura’s attacks to miss. This anti-red dragon cat unit has good stats, better-than-average movement speed, slightly long delays between attacks, range just under Dragon’s (385 compared to 400) and his 100% knockback ability. Like all the other dragon emperor characters, he has a high cost and long cooldown (although he is the cheapest of them all). Useful in stopping fast-pushing red enemies such as Bore and J.K. Bun Bun in their tracks.

Dioramos/Archdragon Dioramos – Might knockback and slow angel enemies (50%), Bahamut’s walking brother – 9/10

– Seeing this unit will make you poop bricks. He’s massive in size, damage, and health. This unit is basically Kamukura but with anti-angel abilities. Unfortunately he only has 395 range (just under Dragon’s 400). Currently has a weird lag attack, which makes his attack a bit longer to execute. Also, he attacks using his atomic breath. Get the reference? Useful for massacring all angel enemies and looking badass. Also useful against shockwave enemies.

NOTE : Basic and evolved forms are different, so each cat will have 2 descriptions. Basic forms have short cooldowns, high stats (similar to crazed cats’ evolved form stats), and are short-mid ranged while evolved forms have long cooldowns, much higher stats, and are long ranged. Basic forms also have very high stats (one of them can take out all the kangaroos in the challenge stage by itself) and evolved forms gain even more stats. Both forms have area attacks.

Momotaro/The Peach Angels – Might stop the movement of Red enemies and Angel enemies (30%) – 10/10

Basic – Has the shortest cooldown among this series, fast movement speed, and moderately fast attack animation. Since his evolution doesn’t buff his proc rate, you should use this form when you already have other units that can do significant damage. Useful for stages where its freeze ability is needed constantly.

Evolved – Has a relatively short cooldown compared to the others in this series. Has a need for speed, moderately fast attack animation, very high health, and a moderate amount of damage. Use this form when you need high hp and fast movement speed over spamming ability. Useful for levels where its damage output/range is more needed.

Princess Kaguya/The Death Moon – Might slow the movement of Metal enemies and Angel enemies (20% basic form) (50% evolved form) 9/10

Basic – Has a moderate cooldown compared to others of this series, moderate movement speed, and fast attack animation. You should probably used her evolved form unless you want to spam her. Useful in stages where its slow ability is needed constantly.

Evolved – IT’S A DEATH STAR WITH LAZORS!!! Evolved form has a long attack animation and attack reset, very long cooldown, and higher proc rate. Given how there aren’t too many units that have an effect on metal enemies, this unit is amazing. She’s very, very versatile unit that will help against the hardest enemies (metal and divine cyclone) in the game. Useful when its health/range is more needed.

Kasa ji*zo/ji*zo’s Moving Castle – Deals x3 damage to Black enemies and Angel enemies – 11/10

Basic – Has the shortest cooldown among this series, fastest movement speed of this series, and moderately fast attack animation. However, this form has high damage and most importantly, CAN BE STACKED. Protect him with meatshields and no black enemies will stand a chance against you again. I recommend using this form instead of his evolved form. Useful for absolutely obliterating black and angel enemies and my temper.

Evolved – Has a very long cooldown compared to others of this series, painfully slow movement speed, moderate attack animation but long attack reset, and extremely high damage. His main selling point is his 3x damage to Black/Angel enemies, so using him will make life against these enemies easier. His main weakness is his lack of movement speed, which means he will get to the frontline only after a long time or if your frontline has crumbled. Useful for situations where the range/health is more needed.

Urashima Taro/Guardian Gamereon – Only takes ¼ damage from Black enemies and Angel enemies – 9/10

Basic – Has a longer cooldown compared to the rest of the series,slow movement speed, relatively longer range, and moderately fast attack animation. Since this unit doesn’t have any crowd control effects, it’s advised to use his evolved form over his basic form. His body is shaped a little…oddly. Rarely useful unevolved, if it’s useful at all.

Evolved – Has a long cooldown, excruciatingly slow movement speed, and moderate attack animation and damage. He doesn’t have any crowd control effects and is a “take ¼ damage” unit, but his incredibly high health and moderate damage put him in the upper tier of uber rares. Useful against shockwave enemies. Biggest co*ck block for black and angel enemies.

The Grateful Crane/Super Galaxy Cosmo – Can knockback Floating enemies and Angel enemies (20% basic form) (100% evolved form) – 9/10

Basic – Has the longest cooldown, the slowest movement speed, the fastest attack animation, and attack reset of the series. Use this form only when you need spamming ability and high knockback chances over a guaranteed but intermittent knockback. Useful when its knockback ability is needed constantly.

Evolved – He gains and gives up the most of all the Ancient Hero Souls units. Now, he has the longest range (near hacker cat range), a 100% knockback on Floating/Angel enemies, super high damage, and the fastest movement speed compared to the other evolved forms of the series, but has a ridiculously long attack animation (it’s almost 8 seconds). Use him like a glorified Hacker Cat and defeat all enemies with extremely long range (and everything else)! Useful for taking down angelic enemies and high range enemies such as Camelle and Angelic Sleipnir, and for dazzling friends.

Kachi-Kachi/Fire Squad Kachiyama – Can lower the attack of Angel and Alien enemies (15% basic form) (100% evolved form and twice the duration) – 9/10

Basic – Don’t worry that tanuki is fireproof (or so they say). Kachi-Kachi moves fast and attacks even faster. They don’t do that much damage, but the fast attack rate makes up for it. However, this is again balanced out by their 15% proc chance, which isn’t too high nor too low. Their below average range also limits their power. Can easily clear out low health minions and can apply constant damage to tougher enemies. Useful for minimizing damage from enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Angelic Gory.

Evolved – *whoop* *whoop* it’s the sound of the… fire truck. Much like actual fire trucks, These guys move extremely fast to reach the fire fight. Unlike fire trucks, however, these guys shoot massive flaming fireballs out of their hose instead of water. These fireballs deal great damage and are shot from a safe distance, which is right behind Bahamut cat. Unfortunately, their attack speed and recharge time must suffer for these better stats and 100% proc rate. All in all not too shabby of an uber. Useful for decreasing the damage output of enemies like Angelic Sleipnir and St. Piggie the LVIth.

NOTE : Basic and evolved forms are different, so each cat will have 2 descriptions. Basic forms and evolved forms have the same stats, but different abilities.

Akira/Shadow Akira – Can freeze Aliens (50%)/Damage increases the more damage he takes – 7/10

Basic – It’s mega…drill…man? With his drill-lance of justice, long ranged attacks, and strong ability, he’s a very good unit to have against alien enemies. He has a moderately long attack animation, so against Aliens that have quick attacks, he might get hit before he lands an attack. Useful for locking down high priority alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cosmic Cyclone.

Evolved – They say once you go black, you’ll never go back… Akira loses his utility ability and gains Ursamajor’s ability. The more damage he takes, the more damage he dishes out. The best way to make the most out of his ability is to let him soak a few hits first, then protect him with meatshields. Also, he trades his drill for a rocket…lance…thing. This form is pretty ineffective against Cosmic Cyclone, but useful if you are dealing with other enemies rather than Aliens. Useful for beefing up your DPS if no other cats are available.

Mekako Saionji/Dr. Mekako – Takes ¼ damage from Aliens+Black enemies and can survive one lethal attack/Knockbacks and weakens Aliens (50% each) – 9/10

Basic – Woot it’s a giant mech! (The name probably refers to the girl riding on its shoulder.) It’s basic form is meant to tank Alien and Black enemies and does a pretty good job at doing so. However, its attack range is deceptively shorter than its attack animation. Useful in stalling slow to attack enemies such as Director Kurosawah and Galaxy Nyandam.

Evolved – Mekako’s evolved form is used more offensively since it can knockback and weaken Aliens. The attack range is still the same, unfortunately. Useful in stopping the advance of alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Ursamajor.

Catman/Dark Catman – 3x damage to Floating and Alien enemies/3x damage to Angel and Alien enemies – 9/10

Basic – He’s the hero the Battle Cats deserve, but not the one they need… He has a moderate attack animation, no pauses between attacks, and deals out ~45k damage at level 30. That’s ~135k damage to Floating and Angel enemies. He also has a fairly large amount of health so he can definitely tank hits if necessary. Need I say more? Na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, Catman! Incredibly powerful against floating and alien enemies. (Duh.)

Evolved – Same ability, but does 3x damage to Angels instead. Packs quite the wallop against Cosmic Cyclone. Incredibly powerful against alien and angel enemies. (Duh. Again.)

The White Rabbit/The Black Cat – Slows Alien and Red enemies for 140f (100%)/Takes ½ and deals 1.5x damage Alien and Red enemies – 9/10

Basic – Gochuumon wa usagi desu ka? This lady has the extremely reliable ability of a 100% chance to slow Alien and Red enemies. This combined with her range of 465 (a little more than Bahamut) makes her a strong counter against any fast moving Alien or Red enemy, such as Scissoroo and Bore. She is also noticeably easier to stack than most ubers. A very effective support unit that’s capable of locking down tough enemies, albeit with a weird walking animation. Dual wields a scoped rifle and a what looks to be an uzi. Git no scoped

Evolved – Now that we have Batman Catman, clearly we need his love interest Catwoman The Black Cat. This lady is capable of meowing down Alien and Red enemies with ease thanks to her “strong against” ability. She makes a very versatile offensive backline against any enemy lineup, especially against Alien and Red heavy compositions. Although she is freakishly tall in comparison to other units, she makes up for this with her matrix, gravity-defying skills that make short work of enemies like Scissoroo and Shy Boy. Dual wields a pair of SMGs.

Warlock and Pierre/Dark Merchant Babil – Only attacks Alien and Floating enemies and deals 4x damage to the enemy base/Only attacks Alien and Angel enemies and grants 2x money from kills – 9/10

Basic – One of the best designs I’ve seen in the game so far. Like Shingen, Warlock and Pierre can only damage specific units, that being Aliens (of course) and Floating. Floating is a very common type and makes short work of annoying units like Bun Bun and Face variants. He has huge damage with decent range and a good attack rate. He also has the unique ability to deal 4x damage to the enemy base, making his the first cat unit to have this ability. This makes him have technically the highest damage of all cat units, reaching about 800k against an enemy base. Use this guy in situations similar to Shingen.

Evolved – DEMON! Functions similarly to his basic form, except instead of Floating its Angels. His ability also changes into 2x money granted for kills, making him the first viable unit that can actually kill his targets with ease. This makes for a very good boost in your economy if he is able to land the killing blow on units such as Nimoy Bore and Mistress Celeboodle. Use this guy in situations similar to Shingen.

Aphrodite/Mega Aphrodite – Can only damage enemies at long range, but not at short range – /10

– Introduces the (strange?) new ability.

Zeus/Gigantic Zeus – ? – /10

Anubis/Perfect Anubis – Immune to shockwaves – /10

– New strategy: Kory and Dober cheesing. That is, if Anubis has enough health to sustain their base attack.


Evangelist/Filibuster Cat – Can stop all enemies (except metal) (100%) – 4/10 (Level Reward Cat)

Obtainable by conquering all the legends…? Has cheap cost, long freeze time, and extreme range, but has an insanely long delay between attacks and an insanely long attack animation. Pretty much can’t take or deal any damage. Useful in emergencies.

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Here are all the cats that are obtainable, but not through the Gacha

(6.1) Basic Cats

These cats are the cats you start with. They gain a True Form after reaching level Max+10 (Level 30) and a doubling in attack/hp (expect Wall Cat’s health and Dragon Cat) and an increase in production time (except for Mohawk/Eraser). Island and Jamiera Cat even gain special abilities. The current level cap for basic cats is Level 60 (Level 20 +40). True forms also gain GOLD backgrounds! (They be ballin’) 1st rating based on first two forms, 2nd rating based on True Form.

Cat/Macho/Mohawk Cat – <none> – 10/10 | 10/10

– The first cat you unlock. He has low HP, low Attack, and medium speed. He’s overlooked for his poor stats, but he has an extremely low cooldown. This makes him a spammable meatshield. True form doesn’t make that big of a difference.

Tank/Wall/Eraser Cat – <Area Attack> – 10/10 | 10/10

– He’s the very definition of a tank unit. Although he deals very low damage, even with area attack; at high levels, he can soak up tons of damage and is just as spammable as Macho cat. Use him as a meatshield. True form gives him even more HP.

Axe/Brave/Dark Cat – Takes ½ from and deals 1.5x damage to Red enemies – 5/10 | 8/10

– This cat is your first damage dealing cat and is extremely helpful against the first boss. After that, he falls off after being overshadowed by the other Basic Cats. He does 1.5x damage to and takes .5x damage from red enemies. He can be used later on as meatshield fodder like Macho/Wall Cat, but his higher costs make him extremely ineffective. His true form turns him from a hero wannabe to a dark knight wannabe, allowing him to be extremely effective in stalling red enemies. Dark cat is very effective against Bores.

Gross/Sexy Legs/Macho Leg Cat – <none> – 7/10 | 11/10

– This cat will remain one of the most useful cats in the game. His (her? idk) attacks are long ranged and single target (like dragon cat) but weaker than dragon cat. Very cost effective cat. True form grants the ability of being strong against Alien enemies, making him a very strong addition to any anti alien team. He can also deal faster damage than king dragon if stacked, as king has a longer cooldown.

Cow/Giraffe/Lion Cat – <none> – 3/10 | 7/10

– This cat runs fast and hits faster, but does low damage and is single target in exchange. While he isn’t used very much in the 3 campaign Chapters, he will be invaluable in the SoL chapters, where you will have to fight metal enemies (who take 1 dmg per hit, no matter how strong the cat is. More attacks = More damage). True form gives him a faster DPS and health.

Bird/UFO/The Flying Cat – <Area Attack> – 9/10 | 9/10

– Your first cat unit with a proper area attack. He’s a medium ranged cat with relatively low health, medium attack, and a low cooldown. While the low cooldown might tempt you to spam him, his high cost and mediocre stats make him inefficient. All in all, he’s a situational unit you only use when you need Area Attacks to clear out the weak minions protecting the boss unit. True form grants a big stat buff, and the ability to have a chance of lowering the Attack power of Angelic enemies. Can easily devastate Angel based stages when combined with freeze cats such as Juliet and Momotaro.

Fish/Whale/Island Cat – Takes ½ from and deals 1.5x damage to Red enemies – 7/10 | 10/10

– He’s your primary anti-red cat (because brave cat is too weak). He does 1.5x damage to and takes .5x damage from red enemies. However, his only flaw is his point blank range, which causes him to take damage and get knocked back before he can attack. His true form grants him a 2% chance to critical attack. (Critical attacks do extra damage to metal enemies and can kill Metal Hippoe and Metal One-Horn in one hit).

Lizard/Dragon/King Dragon Cat – <none> – 10/10 | 10/10

– This cat will become your most used damage cat in this game. While single target, he has long range and does a large amount of damage. His true form does not grant him any special abilities, but his increased stats are more than enough to compensate. He is easily one of the strongest mass-produced cats in the game. His cooldown is slightly longer, however. This makes him obsolete in levels with multiple enemies. Stacking multiple regular dragons is the better way to go. True form doesn’t make that big of a difference, and can actually be detrimental in some situations.

Titan/Mythical Titan/Jamiera Cat – <Area Attack> – 7/10 | 10/10

– This guy starts out as one of the meh cats at the beginning of the game. He has high HP and Attack and a quick attack rate, but is slow moving, close ranged, and has one knockback. That means he can only get in a hit or two before being knocked backed and eventually killed. When he obtains his true form, he easily becomes the most OP (OverPowered) cats in the game. He gains the ability to slightly push-back, enemies. This ability makes him a god against certain enemies who were difficult to defeat before because of their range and knockback, like Camelle and Kory. The game definitely becomes easier when you get this guy’s True Form. Piscine lover.

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(6.2) Special Cats (name – ability – rating)

Special cats are cats you can directly buy with Cat Food or are rewards from stages/chapters. Special cats that are unlocked via completing the first two chapters have true forms unlocked through the completion of specific event stages, which also grant additional abilities/stats (excluding Bahamut and Tricycle). Valkyrie’s true form can be obtained through defeating Ch 5 Moon. The max level for these cats is Max, because additional copies cannot be obtained.

(Note that unlike true form basic cats, true form special cats do not get a buff in stats unless specified.)

Special cats (that have true forms and their added ability):

Ninja Cat -> Ninja Frog Cat -> Flying Ninja Cat (Cheaper summon cost)

Sumo Cat -> Madame Sumo -> Riceball Cat (Gets a mega speed boost, faster than Crazed Tank Cat)

Samurai Cat -> Knight Cat -> Pastry Cat (Able to slow any enemy (except metal) at a 10% chance)

Zombie Cat -> Devil Cat -> Skelecat (Gains area attack)

Cat in a Box -> Cat Gang -> Heavy Assault C.A.T. (Gains extra range and can lower the attack power black enemies, but moves slower)

Boogie Cat -> Samba Cat -> Gato Amigo (Able to push back any enemy (except metals) at a 5% chance)

Bondage Cat -> Bondage Cat NEO -> Ultimate Bondage Cat (Gains a health buff and might survive a lethal attack)

Dom Cat -> Executioner -> Dark Lazer Cat (Now deals 1.5x damage and takes only 0.5x damage from black enemies)

Kung Fu Cat -> Drunken Master Cat -> Dancer Cat (Gains extra range)

Actress Cat -> Mother Cat -> Beefcake Cat (Attacks faster)

Tricycle Cat -> Biker Cat -> Unicycle Cat (Costs less to summon)

Skirt Cat -> Tights Cat -> Loincloth Cat (Attacks faster)

Panties Cat -> Leaf Cat -> Lollycat (Gains area attack)

Mr. -> Super Mr. -> Hyper Mr. (Moves REALLY fast)

Valkyrie/True Valkyrie/Holy Valkyrie Cat – <Area attack> – 10/10

– Your reward for beating Chapter 2, and your first mid range AOE attacker. She has fast movement, a slight pause between attacks, mid range, and does a respectable amount of damage. The only flaw she has is her fast movement speed, which may cause you to push towards the enemy base too quickly. While really strong for the majority of the game, she ends up getting outclassed by future reward Special Cats and by True Form Cats (until she gets True Form herself). Is a great addition to your team when fighting shockwave enemies. Useful for short range enemies that tend to push like Bore and One-Horn. Also useful for promotional art. True form grants more damage (now 12240 from 8500) and the ability to freeze enemies (except metal) for 60F at a 35% chance. Extremely powerful when stacked. (“She’s beautiful now” ~ Nurse Wuffa)

Bahamut/Crazed Bahamut/Awakened Bahamut Cat – TONS OF DAMAGE(dps included) <Area attack> – 100/10

– He’s crazy strong. 60k damage at level 20, and 85k damage at level 30. With great power, comes great trade offs. He has a really long, albeit really cool, attack animation and long waits between attacks. However, his weakness will become one of his greatest strengths. Since his attack animation is long and takes a long time for him to recharge his attack, he is likely to miss, or attack some weak enemy minion. That also means that he will push towards the enemy base Very, VERY, slowly. While his production cooldown is pretty long, the time it takes him to get to the enemy base (protected by 1 or 2 wall cats of course) is even longer. That means you can stack multiple bahamut cats before reaching the enemy base. This becomes really useful when facing the later bosses that need to be killed as soon as possible or else they will tear through your front line (Bore, Red Bun Bun, R. Ost, etc). Incredibly strong in the mid-game, drags off a little in the late game.

In his true form, he sheds off a bit of his weight to get up close and personal with the enemy. By that, I really mean, up close and personal. Bahamut is much faster in attack and speed, but sacrifices range (nearly 2.5x less than his regular and evolved form) But, if you’re looking for a free rusher for your team, Awakened Bahamut is where it’s at, with his unbeatable DPS.

Ururun Wolf/Ururun Cat – Knockback Chance (20%) – 100/10

– This is the unit that can replace Valkyrie Cat. She’s slower, stronger, attacks just as fast, and has a knockback chance. While weaker than the version you face as an enemy, this one is one of the best free cat units in the game. She’s able to push back entire waves of enemies that would otherwise destroy your defense. (Shy Boys, Bun Bun Teachers, etc.) Great for crazed cats (if you get Ururun before attempting them) Her strength slowly climbs the deeper into the SoL you go.

Tricycle/Biker/Unicycle Cat – <Area attack> – 2/10

– Weaker, but free, version of Cat Gang. Inferior in every aspect. Don’t bother. True form grants 50% unit cost, making the unit much more affordable, but still doesn’t make up for its poor stats. Useful for feeling accomplished…and freaking out about its legs.

Bean/Brah Cats – Can knock back enemies (30%) – 0/10

– I’ll admit, the premise behind this cat is cute. However, low stats, point blank range, and longer-than-average attack animation screams “This cat is crap.” Even his skill can’t redeem him, because he’ll most likely get killed before finishing his attack animation. Possibly useful on Last Gang.

As of Version 3.2.1, this cat is obtainable by clearing Greece Ch 1.

Moneko/Miss Moneko Cat – Can Critical Attack (20%) – 3/10 (because freckles) (10/10 on Attack on Titanium)

– While her ability to land critical attacks is noteworthy, everything about her is crap. She has very low stats, slow movement, and point blank range. She’s essentially a Jurassic Cat that has higher Critical chance, but cannot be spammed and dies much, much quicker.

On Attack on Titanium, this unit is very valuable, due to her ability to crit. Well, that’s what Wuffa says…

Very useful for fanart, in fact, she’s almost necessary.

As of Version 3.2.1, this cat is obtainable by clearing Ch 1.

Flower/Cooldown Cat – Can stop black enemies (20%) – 2/10

– He’s super easy to get and is currently the only free cat unit for fighting Black enemies, so I’ll give him an extra point. However, he has a somewhat long attack animation and low range, so black enemies will usually hit/knockback him before he actually lands his attack. Pretty useless. May find a use against Black Cyclone.

Boogie/Samba/Gato Amigo Cat – <5% knockback chance in true form> – 9/10

– This cat is pretty much macho cat, without a True Form. So why is he rated so high? Because he’s a macho cat. In later levels, just macho/wall cat spam won’t be enough to hold off certain hordes of enemies (*cough* H. Nas in Starry Ocean *cough*) and you will need another cat as meatshield fodder. While brave cat is too expensive, samba cat fits the bill perfectly! True form grants a 5% knockback chance, which can be devastating against enemies like an unprotected Nyandam/THE SLOTH.

Note: This cat will be replaced by Crazed/Crazed Wall cat when you get them, so technically you can skip buying this unit if you obtain the 2 crazed meatshields before reaching the harder levels (like Starry Ocean or Prison Prairie).

Cats in a Box/Cat Gang/Heavy Assault C.A.T.🔼 – <Area Attack> – 6/10

– This is the only other Cat in the Special Cats category that I would recommend. They have high movement speed, an area attack, and good damage. However, they are only good for the 3 campaign Chapters and do not perform very well in the SoL chapters. If you want an easier time in the campaign Chapters, these guys won’t disappoint. (Disclaimer: they won’t help against Bun Bun Teacher). True form grants additional range and slightly lower speed, maybe making this unit a bit more viable. However, with the addition of Version 3, its true form now also has the ability to reduce the damage of black enemies, which is actually a rather huge buff considering how fast he attacks, moves, his additional range, and has AOE. This cat can be of great help when you’re having trouble against fast, short ranged black enemies.

Sumo/Madame Sumo/Riceball Cat – <Area Attack> – 7/10

– As a sumo, it has only mediocre health, relatively slow movement speed, and has a slightly expensive cost for a meatshield. I wouldn’t recommend this cat if you want another meatshield, instead go for boogie. However, when you obtain its true form, it grants a massive speed boost (3x). This boost actually makes it noticeably faster than Crazed Wall Cat (and Crazed Macho Cat), making it an extremely powerful unit against enemies that must be stopped at all costs (i.e. Bun Bun Teacher, Rain D., etc.)

Kung Fu/Drunken Master/Dancer Cat- <Area Attack> – 8/10

– Massive damage (More than a Jamiera Lv 20+30), medium cost, average speed, mediocre health, and medium range? This cat is very well rounded (with actually good stats) and is a great cat to take to a multitude of stages. As if his stats weren’t good enough, his true form grants him additional range, allowing an increase in survivability and potential damage output. He also looks like a certain king of music. Please keep in mind that while he has great stats and all, he has only 1 knockback, which means he will not be able to survive as long as King Dragon, who has 3 knockbacks. He also costs a whopping 240 cat food, making him the most expensive special cat unit to purchase.

Dom/Executioner/Dark Lazer Cat – <Takes ½ and deals 1.5x damage to Red enemies> – 7/10

– Her first two forms are very formidable cats, that can absolutely demolish a variety of red enemies (i.e. Ginger Snache, St. Pigge the 2nd, etc.) Her rapid attacks are around the same speed as Crazed Giraffes, but at 4-fold the damage, plus the additional 1.5x damage multiplier against red enemies makes for an intense DPS stat. She also has mediocre health, range (same as Crazed UFO), and cost. Unfortunately, she has a relatively slow speed (barely slower than Bahamut), and 1 knockback, so she won’t back down from any enemy – even if it kills her. But as soon as she gets her true form, she not only will be steamrolling through red enemies, but black enemies as well. Being able to outrange all black enemies that come in mobs, she can make short work of them.

Li’l Nyandam/Dark Emperor Catdam – <Slows all enemies (30%)> – 10/10

– Much like his counterparts, Li’l Nyandam has the signature long range, slow attack speed attribute. He deals as much damage as Ururun and moves around the speed of Bahamut. His range allows him to easily outclass troublesome enemies, such as Master A. and THE SLOTH. As if this wasn’t good enough, he actually has 1 more additional range than Camelle, which allows perfect stalls against Camelles to pay off if Li’l Nyandam is in the fray. He also has a slightly longer cooldown and a slightly cheaper cost than Bahamut and Ururun. To top it all off, he even has a chance to slow all enemies within his range (including angelic and metal enemies), allowing your forces to catch a small break.

*May not outrange Camelle sometimes.

Catburger/Cat Royale – None/Area Attack – 9/10 (For being a virtually free “meat”shield)

-Unevolved, it’s practically a free meatshield, so you don’t need to buy Boogie Cat! (if you can get a hold of it) Evolved, its a pretty bad unit with mediocre cost, low damage, low to medium range. Even though he has AOE, his damage is not high enough to justify his use. Leave this guy unevolved to have a helping hand in stalling enemies if the crazed cats are not yet beatable. Effective in stalling enemies in early levels like Ch 3. Moon, and Dark Souls.

L’il Series (Cat, Tank, Axe, Gross, Cow, Bird) – 0/10

– From the event capsules. Not worth your time using due to the fact that they are much weaker than their bigger counterparts. Even if you are considering using Cat and Tank as meatshields, you are better off using Pumpcat and Catburger instead. They’re cool collectibles though!


– Save your catfood for the above cats or for gacha. The other purchasable special cats aren’t worth it. Most true forms aren’t enough to justify buying the said cat unit, although there are some exceptions (Sumo, Kung Fu, Dark Lazer, and the new Heavy Assault C.A.T.) that might make the cat worth the buy.

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(6.3)Event Cats (Name – ability – rating)

Event cats are the cats that have a chance at dropping in the monthly event stages.

Evil/Gentleman Cat – Can stop Red enemies (20%) – 1/10 (October Event)

– Point blank range, low proc rates, low stats, and high cost. He’s likely to be killed off before using his ability. Very inefficient cat. Maybe, just maybe, useful against Red Cyclone.

Salaryman/Grudge Cat – <Area attack> – 0/10 (November Event)

– He has a longer-than-average attack animation, an area attack, and decent stats compared to other Rare cats. However, he’s also more expensive than them. All in all, he’s a very inefficient unit. Useless due to being outclassed.

Reindeer Fish/Sashimi Cat – 2x money when defeating an enemy – 2/10 (December Event)

– This cat is the equivalent of thief/phantom thief cat (Rare) and does not have any bonuses against Red enemies like the original Fish cat. One (more) point for his sacrifice and hospitality. Useful for completing that one combo.

Adult/Sick Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies – 1/10 (January Event)

– Seriously, any true anti-red cats (any cat that does noticeable extra damage to and/or takes a lot less damage from Red enemies) is better than him. Inefficient and useless, except for showing your friends.

Doll Cats/Cat-o-tron – <Area attack> – 1/10 (February Event)

– This cat is essentially a stronger version of UFO cat. It has a longer attack animation, does more damage, costs the same, and has the same cooldown time as UFO cat. While stronger than UFO cat in general, UFO cat has a true form which easily outclasses this unit. Don’t bother upgrading this unit.

Maiden/Sportsgirl Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies – 5/10 (March Event)

– This cat is probably the first monthly event reward that’s actually of some use. First off, she’s part of the Titan Cat family, so she won’t get knocked back until she dies. Statwise, she has slightly less stats than M. Titan Cat when they’re both level 20, but Jamiera cat (Titan cat true form) will have much higher stats. However, against Bores, Maiden/Sportsgirl doesn’t stand a chance. Thus, this unit is great in the story chapters and the first half of the SoL subchapters, but becomes less useful as you progress through SoL. Can help you overtake Last Gang if you’re lacking some vital cats.

Kung Fu Cat X/Drunken Master Cat X <none> – 7/10 (April Event)

– This is a very top tier event cat. At level 20 and above, he deals much more damage than King Dragon at +10. However, he has less range and has a longer attack cooldown, so if you’re going to use him, use him as a quick damage dealer.

The only other variant of Kung Fu Cat. Instead of area attack, he deals massive damage to a single target.

Koi/Gross Koi Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies – 2/10 (May Event)

– This cat has decent range, but low health and damage. Not effective at all against reds. Useful for freaking people out.

Madame Bride/Madame King <Area Attack> – 2/10 (June Event)

– He might have doubled the stats of a sumo cat, but he is very expensive for a meatshield; not worth the price to summon. Useful for confusing evolution.

Vacation Queen/Office Lady Cat – Does 1.5x damage to and takes 1/2 less damage from red enemies – 4/10 (July Event)

– A mediocre mid-ranged attacker; deals high damage to a single target and has some range, but its attack rate is what brings down this cat. Useful for defying physics.

Vengeful/Groucho Cat – <Area Attack> – 2/10 (August Event)

– Meh, just meh. a Paris cat with a very slow attack animation. Useful for decorating that certain special Macho Legs Cat. And maybe some nostalgia, if you know the reference….

Sports Day/Kidnapper Cats – <Area Attack> – 1.5/10 (September Event)

– Unevolved, they’re trying to take home the gold! Evolved, things take a dark turn… This cat (cats?) is very mediocre and does not have the stats to place itself as an effective cat in combat. Useful for setting a bad example for kids.

(6.4) Collaboration Event Cats (Name – ability – rating – rarity)

Collaboration Event cats are special “cats” that come in different rarities and can be earned from doing specific actions during a collab event, such as downloading the app collaborating with BCEN, playing the game to reach a certain goal, playing the collaboration event stage in BCEN, etc.

(6.4.1) Survive! Mola Mola Collaboration Event Cats

Meowla Meowla/Catorpedo – Takes ¼ damage from red enemies – 2/10 – Special Cat

– Great ability, but has very low health and does ok damage. Will usually die if facing a red enemy in the SoL chapters, which is ironic for a unit taking ¼ damage from red enemies. Useful for confusing you when you first see it attack.

Baby Mola/Young Man Mola – <none> – 6/10 – Super Rare Cat

– A definition of glass cannon; Extremely low health but deals a lot of damage. Has nice range also. Make sure to protect him very well. Devastating when used in conjunction with cats such as Dragon Cat and Macho Legs Cat. Attacks much faster than his uber counterpart. Useful in situations similar to Dragon Cat. Prone to shockwaves.

Mola King/Living Legend – <Area Attack> – 8/10 – Uber Rare Cat

Much like its variant, this unit has extremely high damage, and extremely low health. Capable of dealing out some massive DPS if well protected. Unlike its super rare variant, he deals area attack and much more damage. Devastating when used in conjunction with cats like Bahamut and Ururun. Prone to shockwaves.

(6.4.2) Mr. Ninja Fever Collaboration Event Cat

Mr. Ninja/Mint – Deals 3x damage to alien enemies – 2/10 – Special Cat

– After update 3.2.1, Mr. Ninja now does what he was meant to do: massive damage vs aliens (since he fights aliens in his game). Unfortunately, his stats are still very bad and lacks the firepower for viability in a serious lineup. On the bright side, his attack animation is still baller. Can help clear Alien mob enemies, such as Shibalien and Kroxo. Very frustrating to obtain (because I suck at the game).

(6.4.3) ? (Dragon Swordsman’s Collab Event)

Dragon League Swordsman/??? – – /10

(6.4.4) Metal Slug Defense Collaboration Event Cats

HYAKUTARO/HYAKUTARO CC – Can survive lethal hit (50%) – 2/10 – Rare Cat

-Haters gonna hate! Despite the lies that Ponos love to give out (jk Ponos ily), Hyakutaro has the ability to have a 50% chance of surviving a lethal hit in both forms. This unit is unique, in that it is a sub-frontline attacker that can survive lethal hits. Unfortunately, Hyakutaro has abysmal DPS when compared to UFO Cat (Lv20+0), Tricycle Cat, and even Doll Cats. He has much more base damage, but significantly slower attack speed. His ability gives him a chance to continue to try to keep enemies off of the frontline (or meatshield longer). His stats are really not that great, so refrain from using him as you should have at least UFO Cat to support the frontlines. Use him in situations similar to UFO Cat. His attack blasts enemies with a burst of energy.

MARCO/MARCO CC – Freeze Aliens (20%) – 6/10 – Rare Cat

-The star of Metal Slug has arrived! Marco brings the much needed ability of a spammable Alien freezer to the table (that’s easily obtainable, sorry Castaway!). Marco, when combined in conjunction with cats of similar caliber, such as Psychocat and Tarma, can create a devastating combo of lockdown that can hold fearsome enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn at bay. Drawbacks include a longer cooldown, less hp and ability duration, and more expensive when compared to a cat like Necromancer. Uses his iconic heavy machine gun to fight the alien onslaught.

TARMA/TARMA CC – Knockback Aliens (30%) – 6/10 – Rare Cat

-Just like Batman and Robin, you can’t have Marco without Tarma! Much like his best friend, Tarma also brings the much needed ability of a spammable Alien knock-backer to the table. Unlike Marco, however, Tarma has AOE, meaning he can repel even the largest of melee Alien pushes, such as that from Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn. Unfortunately, Tarma, despite having good range, has a considerably longer cooldown and time between attacks when compared to a cat like Fisherman. Blasts aliens back with his go-to weapon: the shotgun; all while looking cool in his trademark sunglasses.

ERI/ERI CC – 3x damage to Aliens – 4/10 – Rare Cat

-Another familiar character from the Metal Slug series, Eri makes her way into the fight for catkind! Unlike Catman, Eri is a spammable anti-Alien damage dealer who fights in the front lines. She attacks at a very fast rate with AOE, decimating any alien mob enemies that get too close, and taking out a small chunk of tankier Alien unit’s HP. Decides to slash enemies with her knife, despite visibly toting around a pistol, resulting in her short range. smh.

FIO/FIO CC – Slow Aliens (20%) – 5/10 – Rare Cat

-Finally, to complete the iconic squad of Metal Slug, Fio is here! Fio shares the same ability as Psychocat with a considerably faster attack speed and move speed, but shorter range and ability duration, less hp and proc rate, and longer cooldown than him. Fio is a very effective counter against short ranged Alien enemies that must be stopped at all costs, like Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn. Actually uses her pistol that she carries instead of pulling out something else.

MARS PEOPLE/MARS PEOPLE CC – Lower attack power of Aliens (50%) – 6.5/10 – Rare Cat

-If only he cared enough to use his teleport ability… Similar to Fio, Mars People (grammar pls) shares a similar ability with Magica Cat, the only difference being that it can only lower Alien attack power, while Magica can lower any type’s attack power. Mars People actually has nearly identical stats to Magica, the only difference being that Mars People has almost double the DPS of Magica Cat, therefore making it the more ideal send against Aliens, while Magica has the versatility of being deployable against other typings. Mars People should be used to nullify the damage of annoying close range Alien enemies, such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn. Poor guy throws up when it gets knocked back.

SV-001/SV-001 CC – <Area Attack> – 7.5/10 – Super Rare Cat

– It’s the tank Metal Slug players know and love. SV-001 is essentially a slightly more powerful version of Drama Cat, but it has twice the production rate of Drama Cat. Use this unit in conjunction with cats like Drama and Paris in order to bolster your AOE power. Don’t know how it can twist its co*ckpit like that.

ALLEN O’ NEIL/ALLEN O’ NEIL CC – Can survive lethal hit (100%) – 7.5/10 – Super Rare Cat

– HAHAHAHAHA. As the co*ckiest unit in the game, Allen O’ Neil is essentially a slightly better version of King Dragon Cat (Lv 20+10), although King Dragon is capable of outscaling him due to +’s. Allen laughs tauntingly when he survives an attack that would’ve otherwise killed him. Use him like another King Dragon Cat to help support your backline with keeping back the enemy. Too good for a shirt.

HUGE HERMIT/HUGE HERMIT CC – Takes 0.5x from and deals 1.5x damage to Aliens – 6/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– HOLY HELL THAT IS A BIG CRAB. Huge Hermit is essentially a more powerful version of Jamiera Cat, the difference being that it is strong vs Aliens compared to Jamiera’s knockback. Its DPS is nearly triple Jamiera’s (Lv 20+10), and has double Jamiera’s HP as well. Small bonuses include having a little more range and slightly more movespeed than Jamiera. The downside, however, is that it is nearly twice as expensive as Jamiera, takes 1.5x longer to produce than Jamiera, and Jamiera will eventually outscale it. Deploy Huge Hermit like a Jamiera Cat and use it to lay the hurt on isolated enemies and shockwave enemies. Huge Hermit will always be superior to Jamiera stat-wise against Aliens. MR. KRABS

JUPITER KING/JUPITER KING CC – Knockback Aliens (50%)/Slow Aliens (50%) – 10/10 – Uber Rare Cat

-HOLY HELL THAT IS A BIG ROBOT. Jupiter King is probably the best of its collaboration, and is essentially an anti-Alien version of Kamukura. Kamukura has more damage and 3 knockbacks, while Jupiter King has more HP and 2 knockbacks. Other than this, their stats are so identical that it’s suspicious. Like Kamukura against Bores, Jupiter King excels at crushing the advances of enemies like Nimoy Bore and I.M. Phace. Very versatile and is not restricted to anti-Alien combat. Gives enemies a nice light show.

DONALD MORDEN/GENERAL MORDEN– Takes ¼ damage from Aliens/Knockback Aliens (40%) – 8/10 – Uber Rare Cat

-As explained by /u/Battlecats4life, Morden is essentially a weaker version of Mekako. Morden combines the take ¼ ability from Mekako’s unevolved form and the knockback ability from Mekako’s evolved form and uses them in one form. While Morden does have a slightly higher DPS than Mekako, a lower cost, and a lower production time than Mekako, Mekako has more range than him, and more than double his HP, making her knockback and take ¼ abilities much more effective than Morden. Use Morden as you would Mekako – against pesky Nimoy Bores and St. Piggie the LVIth. The only MSD unit to actually change his name a little when evolved, instead of a boring CC stuck at the end.

HI-DO/HI-DO CC – Takes 0.5x from and deals 1.5x damage to Floating/Knockback Floating (50%) – 8/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– Them rocket frames, oh my! Similar to other Ubers of his class, Hi-Do is the anti-Floating variation of Uesugi Kenshin. The biggest difference between the two besides the different enemy typings, is that Kenshin has a 100% chance to knockback, while Hi-Do is stuck at 50%. Use Hi-Do similarly to Kenshin, and deploy him against Floating enemies that must be kept back at all costs, such as Teacher Bun Bun and Shy Boy. Flies sideways because it can.

(6.5) Limited Time Event Cats (Name – ability – rating – rarity)

These cats are only available for a limited time to commemorate a holiday and/or event.

(6.5.1) Halloween Capsules Event Cats

Gloomy Neneko/Witchy Neneko – Can Critical Hit (20%) – 5/10 – Super Rare Cat

– Y u do dis to me PONOS? Much like her original counterpart, Gloomy Neneko boasts higher than average critical hit chance, with decent damage and range. The only difference, however, is that she has a 5% extra chance of getting a critical hit, at the cost of slightly reduced damage. Incredibly effective against Metal enemies and my heart. again.

Hallowindy/Hallowindy, type α – Deals 3x damage to Aliens enemies – 6/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– The tooth and the smile are just too cute. Hallowindy is exactly like her original counterpart, except with the ability to do 3x damage to Aliens instead. She can make short work of tough Alien enemies such as Nimoy Bore and Cyberhorn.

Spooky Thundia/Spooky Thundia, type β – Deals 3x damage to Black enemies – 7/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– As if Thundia couldn’t get hotter. Spooky Thundia works just like regular Thundia, except she deals 3x damage to Black enemies instead of Red. She lays on the hurt against tough Black enemies such as Bun Bun Black or Shadow Boxers.

(6.5.2) Christmas Capsules Event Cats

Frosty Kai/Frosty Kai, type U – Takes ¼ damage from Alien and Angel enemies – 8/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– She is just like her regular counterpart (close ranged, high HP and damage), but is aimed toward late-game as a support unit, due to the ridiculous amounts of damage and range enemies deal and have (especially for Into the Future) and can protect your ranged cats (like Macho Legs or King Dragon)

Holy Coppermine/Holy Coppermine, type K – Can stop Angel and Alien enemies (50%) – 7/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– This version of Coppermine gains an extra point for her ability to help out during late game. However, as late game enemies have high amounts of damage and are long-ranged, she is outranged by many and can lower her combat efficiency. If she is not outranged however (there is still hope!) she can still dish out a decent amount of damage due to her low attack cooldown and freeze those annoying enemy types. Against anything else, she stinks 🙁

Santa Kuu/Santa Kuu, type Y – Takes 0.5x from and deals 1.5x damage to Aliens and Angels – 7/10 – Uber Rare Cat

– You may think, “Why did Coppermine get a late game bonus point while Kuu didn’t?” Well, it’s just that Kuu is straight-up mediocre in everything. She can prove useful as a backup for Bahamut or someone else of equal power (Dragons, Ultra Souls, etc.) but by herself, don’t expect too much.

(Back to Contents)


This section contains the Enemies you will face (in order of Encyclopedia entries), as well as tips on defeating them. Threat level will be ranked from 1-5 (some enemies have two threat levels, based on their difficulty when you first face them and when you face them later on) and types: (R): Red, (F): Flying, (B): Black, (M): Metal, (A): Angel, (AL): Alien

Chapter Enemies: <Since some of them get buffed in SoL, 2nd rating is based on SoL>

Doge (1/1): Weak minions. Equivalent of (regular) Cat unit.

Snache (1/1): Weak minion. Moves faster than average minions.

Those Guys (1/1): Weak minion. More stamina than average minions.

Hippoe (4/1): Powerful as first boss, weak as hell later on.

Pigge(R) (1/1): Has area attack, but is weak.

Jackie Peng (2/1): Fast, single target attacks. Counter with meatshield spam.

Gory (2/1): Fast area attacks. Counter with meatshield spam.

Baa Baa (1/1): Slightly tankier minion.

Sir Seal(R) (3/1): Anti-red cats will dispose of him quickly.

Croco (1/1): Weak minion. Attacks fast.

Le’boin (4/5): Strong when you first face him, but terrifyingly stronger in SoL. Has long

range and can outrange your Dragon Cats. Try to build up a large wave of strong cats. Gives a lot of money when defeated.

B. B. Bunny(R) (1/1): Fast moving, but weak, red minion.

Kang Roo (3/1): Packs a punch, but is single target. Meatshield cats should stall him

while long range cats can do enough damage to take him out. Gives a lot of money when defeated.

Squire Rel (2/1): Very fast moving minion. Does more damage than the average minion, very weak.

Mooth(F) (3/1): Has an area attack, moves faster than most, and is somewhat tanky. Is close ranged, so dragon cats should be able to take him out. Gives a lot of money when defeated.

One Horn(R) (3/1): Fast attacks, but moves very slowly and has shorter than short range. Gives a lot of money when defeated.

Teacher Bear (4/3): Long ranged with high damage and is tanky. However, pauses for some time between attacks, letting cats get some damage on him. Wave of dragons should take him out. He is knocked back quite easily. Gives a lot of money when defeated.

The Face(F) (3/1): He’s mid ranged, so as long as there’s a wave of meatshield cats between him and the dragon cats, he can’t even touch the dragon cats while they chunk away at his hp. If you know what you’re doing, he’s not so scary. Veeerrry slow.

Challenge Stage/Special:

Assassin Bear(B) (5/5): Fastest moving and 2nd fastest attack rate enemy in the game, this coupled with his high damage and long range makes for a highly dangerous enemy. Doesn’t appear as a regular enemy, but when certain conditions are triggered (taking too long to finish a stage, dealing a certain amount of damage to the challenge stage base, etc). Makes a guest appearance in some SoL stages, having way more HP and attack than his challenge counterpart. A cannon should always be able to dispatch him. Kill him as fast as you can before he can deal a crippling blow to your army.

Shy Boy(F)(R) (3/5): Weaker version of The Face on challenge mode and initial stages of SoL, but becomes a nightmare later on when he gets buffed. Fast movement, fast attack rates, high damage, and incredible stamina make this guy extremely challenging to beat.

Ms. Sign (0/0): Does nothing but tell you that you’re taking too long on a stage. Usually makes a first appearance when you exceed the 15 minute mark on a single stage. She can still attack your cats, but meh. Has an unusual amount of knockbacks to kill.

Chapter Enemies (cont.):

Dark Emperor Nyandam(R) (4/3): Might be hard when you first fight him, but doesn’t gain too much strength in SoL. Really long attack range, high damage/knockback, area attack, and slow movement, but really long pauses between attacks. A steady stream of cats should whittle down his HP. Last Gang and beyond (subchapter 19, Capone’s Jail) is where he becomes a major threat. Ironically, he is countered by his cat counterpart, Lil’ Nyandam.

Teacher Bun Bun(F) (5/3): A complete nightmare when you first face him (see section 3.3 for more details). However, once you get accustomed to meatshield spamming, it should be very easy to prevent him from advancing (while long ranged cats chip away at his HP). Still strong in SoL, just not the monster you remember him as.

SoL Enemies:

Metal Hippoe(M) (2): More of a nuisance that a threat. Is immune to regular knockbacks and takes only 1 damage from any hit, but can get insta-killed by 1 Critical attack. Use fast attackers or (obviously) cats that can crit. However, if you don’t kill him fast enough he can become a very annoying meatshield.

St. Pigge the 2nd(R) (1): Stronger version of Pigge, but shouldn’t be a problem at all. May become annoyingly tanky in the later SoL stages.

Doge Dark(B) (3/4): He’s pretty dangerous. Moves fast, hits hard, and has a decent amount of HP. While weak individually, this guy never shows up alone. Like all Black enemies, he gets knocked back easily, so take advantage of this and use cats with reliable damage to prevent him from getting too close.

Master A (5/4): He’s a pain when you first face him, even more so when he gets buffed. Long range, high attack rate, and medium damage make him a tough opponent. He doesn’t have a crazy amount of hp, so use key units such as Giraffe, Mythical Titan, and Dragon to land hits on him to drive him back. This guy becomes a nightmare when you have to face more than 1 of him at a time. Has an annoying range (451, 1 more than Bahamut) that prevents him from walking into Bahamut’s attacks. Counterable by Lil’ Nyandam.

Celeboodle (2): Strong minion. Short ranged and single target, but has extremely high damage.

Dagshund (2): Strong minion. Mid ranged attack and fair knockback chance. Has massive health and damage. Fortunately, his attack animation keeps going after he attacks, so he can’t push effectively.

duch*e (2): Strong minion. Short ranged, but rapid attacks. Has very high health.

THE SLOTH (4): Boss enemy. Super high health, super long range (Bahamut’s range) and high damage, but long waits between attacks. Later on, he’ll become more of a threat when he starts to support stronger bosses. Counterable by Lil’ Nyandam.

Otta-smack-u (3/4): Very strong minion with high stats. Is multi target, close ranged, has fast attacks and always appears in groups. Becomes very threatening if not dealt with early on, or if spawned at the beginning of the stage.

J. K. Bun Bun(R)(F) (4/3): Stronger, red version of Bun Bun Teacher, but has only 5 knockbacks, which means less breathing room. The first time you face him will be very difficult, as you cannot build a large wave of dragon cats. Stall him with meatshields like you would stall Bun Bun Teacher while other cats damage him from a safe distance. Stacking Bahamut cats also helps.

Bore(R) (5/4): Very, very annoying boss. High damage, knockback, super fast attacks, tons of HP, and medium movement speed. Remains a pain in the butt throughout the game because of his tendency to break through your frontline meatshield. Counter with spammable anti-reds.

Gory Black(B) (3): Much more tankier and punishing version of Gory. Like most Black units, he is knocked back easily, so use that to your advantage. Bahamut cat can kill him in one hit though.

Shadow Boxer K(B) (4): Much stronger, slightly faster, and tankier version of Kang Roo. Like most Black units, he is knocked back easily, so use that to your advantage. Bahamut cat cannot kill him in one hit, making this quite a tough enemy to face. Gives barely any kill money.

Super Metal Hippoe(M) (3): A much more sturdier version of his counterpart with more damage.. Has a 100% chance to knockback your units, so he’s a tad bit harder. He takes 1 damage per hit, excluding criticals attacks. Still not as bad as Sir Metal Seal. Can demolish your line if they stack.

Rain D (3): Has a ton of HP and gets knocked back very easily. He’s a close ranged enemy with an area attack. It’s much easier to just knock him past the enemy base and attack the base than to kill him. He’s very fast and packs quite a punch and attacks kinda fast, can easily push through a meatshield wall that doesn’t have a big backline supporting fire to keep it at bay.

Owlbrow(F) (2): Semi-tanky minion with medium range, very high damage, and area attack. Somewhat threatening if stacked.

Camelle (5/3): Mindblowingly overpowered when you first fight him. He has medium HP, but has extremely long range, high damage, somewhat fast attack rate. Your main problem against this enemy is that all your cats will get knocked back before they attack. Strategy: send in Mythical Titan cat to land a hit or two before he dies. If you have Nerd/Hacker Cat, Camelle will be much easier. Camelle becomes a walkover once you get true form cats (especially Jamiera Cat) due to their 1 knockback attribute. Unfortunately, later in the SoL he once again becomes a pain due to being well protected by enemies such as buffed One-Horns and Rain-Ds. Also does 4x damage to cat bases.

Kory (5/3): First enemy you face with a wave attack (a long ranged shockwave, like your Cat Cannon), and a 100% proc rate to boot. Very difficult to face without having true form cats. Becomes somewhat easier when you do get them. Also does 4x damage to your base. Easily kept at bay by a ranged cat stack if unprotected.

Director Kurosawah(B) (4): Stronger version of Nyandam. Attacks do massive amounts of damage, so building a large wave of dragon/bahamut cats is impossible. Chip away at his HP with Dragon/Paris cats while sending an occasional meatshield cat to prevent him from getting too close. Has longer range than Dragon and Paris, so be careful. Has more range than his red counterpart due to his hitbox being on his chair, not his black minions.

Metal One Horn(M) (2): Metal version of One Horn who is much slower, but attacks faster and does more damage. A critical hit or two can kill him, so he’s not a large threat. Becomes a nuisance when flanking stronger enemies.

Bun Bun Black(F)(B) (3): Black version of Bun Bun Teacher. Has a little more health than his white counterpart (and is slightly larger), but is pretty much the same as the original. Can be countered stalling with meatshield spam and is considered easier than regular Bun Bun Teacher because anti-Black cats are extremely strong. Don’t think. FEEL!

H. Nah (5/3): A pain in the ass. High damage, tons of HP, 100% chance to knockback cats, and an area attack make this guy very strong. Problem is, hyenas never travel alone and neither does this guy; he’s either accompanied by Black Doges or comes in a pack. To stall him, you will need at least 3 meatshield cats to spam. Try to kill him as quickly as possible, before more of his buddies appear and swarm you to death.

Red Cyclone(F)(R) (5): High damage, insane health, and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. It’s highly recommended not to face this cat until you have a good number of strong anti-air and anti-red gacha cats. Red version is the easiest because of the number of anti-red cats there are.

Black Cyclone(F)(B) (5): Chance to knockback cats (20%). High damage, insane health, and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. It’s highly recommended not to face this cat until you have a good number of strong anti-air and anti-black gacha cats. Black version is tough because of the Black Gories and Shadow Boxer K’s constantly supporting him.

White Cyclone(F) (5): High damage, insane health, and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. It’s highly recommended not to face this cat until you have a good number of strong anti-air gacha cats. White version is tough because of THE SLOTH supporting him, and because he doesn’t have an additional color weakness.

Divine Cyclone(A) (5+++ or 5): High damage, insane health, and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. This level is extremely difficult in comparison to the other cyclone stages. Unlike previous cyclones, the Divine Cyclone is unaffected by anti-floating units, so it cannot be stopped without the help of anti-angelic units. However, it is still possible to knock it back with cats such as Jamiera and Ururun. If you have Momotaro (uber rare from the Ancient Hero Souls), this stage is unbelievably easy. Spam Momotaro and Divine Cyclone will literally be frozen forever.

Metal Cyclone(M) (5+++ or 5 (or 1)): High damage and non-existent pauses between attacks make the cyclones a nightmare to face. This level is extremely RNG heavy in comparison to the other cyclone stages. Unlike previous cyclones, the Metal Cyclone is unaffected by anti-floating units, so it cannot be stopped without the help of anti-metallic units. Enemies do not spawn for a very long time, so money can be easily built up before launching an assault. There can only be a max of 2 enemies per stage, so the Metal Cyclone will only be flanked by 0-1 enemies. The Metal Hippoe and Metal One-Horn are no big deal, but the Sir Metal Seal and Super Metal Hippoe are what makes the stage so difficult. There will also be no scrap mobs to feed you money, so money can get tight. This stage is impossible w/o space cat and bronze cat, and extremely difficult w/o Crazed Whale cat. (Assuming you don’t have any gacha cats). Grab all of your anti metal cats and hope that RNGesus is smiling upon you. Attack on Titanium…for those who watch too much anime..(We all do here) Did you know Metal Cyclone does not fly, but instead grinds the ground? There is a way to cheese the level and not have Metal Cyclone spawn at all, poke around the subreddit if you want to know what it is.

Cosmic Cyclone(AL)(F) (5+): You thought the other cyclones were tough? Wait till you fight this guy. Being able to OHKO all of your unlockable Special Cats, Cosmic Cyclone is terror incarnate. When he hits 30% HP, his attacks do twice the damage and can decimate any cat in its way (By any, we mean any), and as if that wasn’t bad enough he has a chance to reduce the attack power of your cats if they manage to survive its attack (namely ubers). But seriously, Cosmic Cyclone is only this hard because there aren’t many cats that can put up a fight against him.

R. Ost (5): Non-colored version of Bore that attacks slightly slower (approximately.5 seconds more between attacks). He can attack with criticals and can easily shred through your cats in the front lines.. Kill him as quickly as possible by stacking extremely strong cats like Bahamut Cat and hope that he dies before he breaks through the meatshield and kills your damage dealing cats. Not too insanely powerful when unprotected.

Dober PD (5+): Another enemy with the ability to use shockwave attacks. Has a lower chance to proc the wave attack than Kory, but has much more HP and deals more damage. Can be very difficult to deal with when multiple of them appear; with the stage Pigpen Taboo being one of the examples of where multiple of them spawn. Try to spam high health or ranged cats if he/they are not protected.

Sir Metal Seal(M) (4): The first challenging Metal enemy you will face. He has the same movement rate and has single target attacks like regular Sir Seal, but has a faster attack rate and much more damage. Unlike previous metal enemies, it takes tons of critical hits to kill him, which makes him insanely tough to beat, given how low Critical attack proc rates are in general and how bad cats who can Critical attack are.

Ururun and Wolf (4): She has high hp, mid ranged attacks, high damage, and a high knockback chance. While not too threatening on her own, she’s flanked by Bores and R. Ost’s, making the stage very challenging. One of the only enemies in the game that can be obtained.

Angel Fanboy (0): Just like his female counterpart, he does almost no damage and has little health. He holds a different sign however that warns you that angel enemies are immune to anti-floating effects.

Gabriel(A) (4): He’s an angelic version of Doge with the health and strength of Black Doge, but near the speed of Wargod Yukimura (fastest moving cat unit). Treat him like a Black Doge and beware of him getting too close, as unlike Doge and Doge Dark, he has AOE. Beware however, in stages like Marco Po Road, he can glitch right through your stallers due to the boss shockwave and his speed and damage everything behind it, like Bahamut…

Heavenly Hippoe(A) (2): The first angelic enemy you face. Very tough at first glance, if you thought of a black Hippoe, this would be a result. Easy to kill if ranged cats are used to attack him, while meatshields distract.

Angelic Gory(A) (4): A stronger version of Black Gory (as if those weren’t annoying enough). Gets knocked back easily, but quickly becomes a threat if he breaks through your frontline.

Wall Doge (1): Imagine your Wall Cat as an enemy. That is all. Quite annoying when she blocks the boss. Also deals significantly more damage than Wall Cat.

Ginger Snache(R) (2): A faster version of Snache and is red. Stronger in general, but is still a mob minion. May become a small problem when buffed in harder levels.

Sunfish Jones(A) (4): This guy shoots rockets out of his butt (Is he actually a stealth bomber….?). He has super long range (Super Galaxy Cosmo’s range), a moderate attack rate, and has a 30% chance to slow all cat units hit. He’s not that bad because he has medium damage, but his ability will drag on the fight longer than you’d like.

Pigeon de Sable(F) (4): Shockwaves for everybody! This mob enemy has a 100% chance to hit a short shockwave (1 beam) at a very fast rate. Do not underestimate the shockwave range, as it’s approximately the same as Ururun Cat’s range and can knock your long range hitters back if they get too close. Easily dealt with by Crazed Gross Cat.

Dark Otter(B) (4): It’s an otta, but dark! He’s just a buffed Otta, which is bad enough. Like the regular Otta, he gives very little $ when defeated, which makes him very annoying. Fortunately, he has 2 knockbacks, giving you a small break.

Angelic Sleipnir(A) (3): Attacks fast with low damage, and a bit tanky. Has a chance to knock back cats (15%). A very annoying wall to get past.

Trolly Blogger (3): Annoying when they appear in a group. He can easily push your cats at a 15% chance. Beware, meatshields. Never has a lot of HP.

Metal Doge(M) (3): A Doge that is metal. Attacks fast, has AOE, and moves relatively fast. Usually spawned every now and then to protect bosses. Takes 1 dmg per hit, but thankfully, doesn’t have much health. Kill him fast. Becomes a major annoyance when it prevents your cats from advancing towards high priority targets.

Le’noir(B) (3): A black Le’boin. Very tanky and can become quite troublesome if stacked. Also has slightly more range.

Li’l Nyandam(R): (3) The result of a quantum blip (SoL is in the past). Has more range and a faster attack than his elder self. Easy to take out…if exposed. 2nd enemy that can be obtained as a cat.

Chickful A(A) (3): A major annoyance as its high damage and range allows for it to effectively push through your meatshields. Also has a chance to stop your cats if they survive its attack.

Capy(R) (2): Can Critical Hit. This little gal has a massive hp pool, rendering it very hard to kill. It can one hit kill most cats; especially ones that don’t resist its attacks. The critical hit chance means it’s nearly guaranteed to one hit kill its unfortunate target. Fortunately, he has short range (his hitbox is in his mouth) and is single target, meaning with enough meatshields, she can be stalled indefinitely, and she’s red, so any anti-red units are very effective against her. Is a certain popular someone’s favorite animal.

Brollow(F) (4): MOST ANNOYING ENEMY EVER. Seriously, this guy is very annoying. He moves extremely fast (about or more than Yukimura), and deals intense damage. This guy also stops moving after attacking and will start his next attack upon being knocked back. It doesn’t help that this guy has a lot of knockbacks and worst of all, AOE. Alone, this guy can’t do too much, but as soon as you add even just one more, your army will fall nearly as fast as if it got hit with a Crazed Titan shockwave. Sadako is a very effective cat against this pain if you have her.

Berserkory(R) (4): Creates Lv12 Shockwaves. As if Kory wasn’t bad enough, Battle Kory is on a whole new level. His high health and damage makes him very tough to deal with, stats alone, but the worst parts about him is: 1. His ability to create level 12 shockwaves, meaning they will cover pretty much the entire battlefield. He can quickly ravage the field due to his medium attack speed. 2. He only has one knockback. Kory has a multitude of knockbacks, so a solid stack of ranged cats can easily keep him at bay, but Battle Kory will not falter until he dies. Kory will obliterate armies with ease, and only cats like Crazed Whale and Jamiera can stand against him.

Cyberface(M) (3): Can create Lv8 shockwaves. Deals possibly the most damage (in one hit) from an enemy in the game. Fast like Shy Boy and a shockwave like Berserkory, this guy is a total nightmare. Except for his very low health, making him easily one shot-able by any critical hit cats. In his first appearance, he is a little frightening, but I dread the day when he has proper protection…

Into the Future Enemies:

Shibalien(AL) (2): A Doge with tentacles! *cough* I’ve seen enough hentai to see where this is going *cough* Tankier and stronger than your average minion.

Hyppoh(AL) (2): More tentacles? p*rnos, please! This hippo is annoyingly tanky, kinda like Heavenly Hippoe.

Helmut Krabbe(AL) (2): A tanky mob enemy with the ability to survive one lethal attack. FYI, you will hear a “ding” sound when his ability proc’s. Somewhat annoying in groups.

Imperator Sael(AL) (3): Just your average buffed Sir Seal. Constant DPS and a steady stream of meatshields should whittle him down. Beware, he can slow down your cats.

Maawth(AL)(F) (4): A strong and alien version of the Mooth with the ability to freeze your cats. He still has the same attack range as a regular Mooth, so long ranged damage units protected by meatshields should take him out.

I.M. Phace(AL)(F) (4): It’s Piccolo combined with a Xenomorph! He can freeze your cats, but still has midranged attacks. Fortunately, he attacks at a moderate rate (faster than the regular Face but slower than Shy Boys) so his strongest trait is his high health.

Ursamajor(AL) (5): A super strong pedobear. He has a unique ability: the more damage he takes, the more damage he does. This means the longer the fight drags on, the more dangerous he becomes. You should really hope that you stacked enough damage dealing units to send him back to the stars. Somewhat resembles Freeza/Frieza… and this isn’t even his final form…

Kroxo(AL) (3): A much stronger version of Croco. He’s decently tanky, deals a load of damage and can overwhelm you with number if given the chance. If you see multiple Kroxo’s spawning, you should probably produce AoE cats and finish them off before they stack and become a formidable meatshield.

LeMurr(AL) (4): Oh boy. Not only is she relatively tanky and deals high damage, she also reduces your cats’ damage output. The only real way to beat her is to stack up your damage dealers and out-damage the enemies with number. Also, LeMurr moves and attacks pretty quickly, so you won’t have as much time to stack the big hitters like Bahamut. Fortunately, she doesn’t have AOE.

Elizabeth the LVIth(AL) (5): This is only piece of pork you do not want to eat. She’s extremely tanky, does large amounts of damage, and attacks with shockwave attacks. The strategy for beating her is pretty much trying to kill her before she mows down your base.

Nimoy Bore(AL) (5+): “Live long and prosper!” Not to you though. He’s a bore on steroids without his typical weakness: red. It’s highly suggested that you use all the anti-alien cats you have and stack high damage dealers before going for the enemy base. Good luck beaming this guy back up to his saucer!

Cli-One(AL)(F) (5): A very unusual boss. Like LeMurr, Cli-One reduces your cats’ damage and serves more as a support than a boss. Nevertheless, she’s very tanky, has long-ranged attacks, moderate attack rate, and has a respectable damage output. Winning this fight comes down to defeating whatever minions are thrown at you and slowly chipping away at Cli-One’s health.

Something to note if you are a long-time anime fan; look at her attack animation and you may have some nostalgia from Evangelion….

Scissoroo(AL) (3): 20% chance to knockback cats. Not a huge threat by any means, but can kill or pushback your cats to make headway for more powerful enemies, specifically Corrupt Valkyrie. Mr. Scissorhands is moderately tanky and can be stopped with meatshield spam.

Mistress Celeboodle(AL) (3): Damage will double at 75% hp. Easily dispatched with Crazed Gross Cat. Does an insane amount of damage when it gets attack up, but is single target and has low hp, so hits from an offending cat will knock it back. Gives a lot of money when defeated, making it an easy bank filler.

Cyberhorn(AL) (4): Much tankier and gives less money than its red counterpart. Like Le’ noir, Cyberhorn is just a buffed up, recolored version of its original counterpart, which means this guy is a very annoying shield for stronger enemies, specifically Galactic Overseer Nyandam.

Galactic Overseer Nyandam(AL) (5): 50% chance to slow your cats for 120f. By this point you should know how annoying Nyandam variants are, and this guy is no exception. His range is in between Dark Emperor Nyandam’s and Director Kurosawah’s, meaning Lil’ Nyandam will not outrange him. Defeat this guy the same way as how you would any other Nyandam variant, but beware his slow ability will make the fight drag on longer than it needs to be. Phone home E.T.!

Corrupt Valkyrie(AL)(F) (5): Majestically destructive. You must defeat Corrupt Valkyrie in order to claim her as your own. With that said, she won’t go down without a fight. She has massive hp, fast attack speed, high damage, and fast movespeed. Right when you think you’ve got her, she activates her TRAPCARD, gaining double attack power when she falls below 40% hp. However, she has a weakness, which is her range (350, Macho Leg’s). Even though her spear goes straight through your dragons and Bahamut, it will not harm them. Use this to your advantage and stack high range units to liberate Holy Valkyrie from the aliens.

Calamary (AL)(F)(3): Annoying. Straight up annoying. Range that can reach almost every long ranged cat unit and an ability that weakens them to deal almost nothing. (10% of their original damage to be exact) Don’t forget the tentacles :^)

Alpacky (AL)(3): Hey look, a buffed Camelle. Nothing special right? RIGHT? Well, it’s a bit slower at attacking and at movement speed, but that doesn’t matter. The abilities do. This cheeky sucker is good at destroying your base, can survive a lethal attack, and gains a ridiculous 900% attack bonus when it is at no health. Basically, after its lethal attack, it kills. It’s not that bad if you think about it.

Elder Sloth (AL)(?): Think of an Axe Cat. Like, his speed. Now think of THE SLOTH. But with a bit more range. And throw in some knockback ability in that procs every time. And you get Elder Sloth! (No joke, he moves as fast as Axe Cat, has a bit more range than his regular counterpart, and knocks back your cats!)

Bun Bun Symbiote (AL)(F): It’s a Bun Bun with shockwaves that can literally destroy your meatshields and sometimes your ranged attackers (cause his shockwaves have some crappy long-ranged hitboxes, think of Pigeon de Sable’s waves) but luckily that shockwave has a 1% proc. He’s also tougher in stats and in terms of knockback; having half of what a regular Bun Bun has (that’s 5 knockbacks for Symbiote) so don’t expect too many openings.

Raging Bahamut(AL)(F)

*Unofficial name/description

**Speculated unit

Crazed Cats: *Crazed Cats are rated in comparison to each other*

Crazed Cat (3): You’d never expect a regular cat to be this powerful. Has tons of health and high-damage, mid-ranged area attacks, so get ready for a painful battle. The main problem with him is that it’s very hard to knockback him and he’ll most likely end up chomping through your frontline and damage-dealers. The Sniper Cat power up is extremely useful here, and with it, you can thankfully beat this stage with only evolved cats and lots of luck.

Crazed Tank Cat (5+++): Does 4x damage to the cat base. This stage is the Dark Souls of Battle Cats. Just when you thought Crazed Cat was tanky, wait till you see this guy- 3.2 million health. That’s right, 3.2 MILLION health (the most base hp in the game), coupled with high-damage, long-ranged area attacks. Sniper Cat is a must here, and even with it, there’s no guarantee you will win. To beat this stage, it is highly recommended that you use: 4 meatshield cats, True Form Cats, Sniper Cat power up, Ururun, Unknown Cat, and Hacker Cat. You need the first 5 to slow/stop his advance and if you have Hacker Cat, it will make chipping at CTC’s hp much easier. Disclaimer: it might take you half an hour to beat this stage.

Crazed Axe Cat (4++): Crazed Axe Cat himself has the same stats (more or less) than Crazed Cat, but has faster attack and his attacks freeze your units (50%). Not so bad, right? Well, this stage would be manageable if it was just him. But as you guessed, that’s not the case. Remember those Shy Boys from Crunchy Pillar? Yeah, they’re back and with one hell of a grudge. That’s right, buffed Shy Boys will swarm the stage and make you cry for mercy. To beat this stage, you’re probably going to need 4 meatshields to slow their onslaught. Try to stall as long as possible and build up a wave of king dragon cats. When you have a sizeable horde, they should be able to kill all of shy boys that come out and damage- and eventually kill- Crazed Axe Cat (watch Nurse Wuffa’s vid).

Crazed Gross Cat (1/5): This stage is the weirdest and arguably the dumbest stage PONOS has made. Only Crazed Gross Cats are spawned (and a few tiny minions) and they’re strong enough to kill your meatshields in a few hits. Since CGC’s have a 100% chance to do wave attacks, even true forms have a tough time against them. Sadly, that’s why the Dynamites uber rares, ironically the worst ubers, do so well in this stage with their relatively high hp. If you have the Dynamites or other tanky uber rare cats, this stage will be a walkover. If you don’t good luck beating this stage. TL;DR, spam high hp uber rares for an easy win. You can also spam only ranged units to fight them off.

Crazed Cow Cat (2): I’m gonna say that this stage is the easiest of the crazed cat stages. The only danger they pose is if the initial wave breaks through your frontline and overruns your base too early. Crazed Cow Cat himself is pretty weak and will die from 2 hits by bahamut cat. Hell, you don’t even need true forms. All you need is: Paris cat, UFO cat, bahamut, valkyrie, 3 meatshields of your choice (I used macho/samba/wall), and the rich cat power-up (you don’t need this if you have true forms) [I have personally beat this stage with this line-up and with no true forms]. You can use M. Titan/Jamiera cat if you want, but he dies too quickly. Start by stalling the first cow cat and producing a bahamut, nothing else but meatshields. After the first CCC dies, your cats will hit the enemy base and the CCC horde will come out. Stall them as long as possible while spamming out meatshields, UFO, and Paris cat (make sure you have enough $ for meatshields). Bahamut will most likely die after getting 1 hit on the frontline CCCs, but your AoE damage dealers should finish them off. By the time they’re close to your base, the horde should have thinned off by a lot and you should have a second bahamut and a large swarm of paris cats wiping them out. CCC’s will come out slowly after this so you pretty much won the stage.

Crazed Bird Cat(F) (4+): This stage is a doozy, and you’ll most definitely want True Forms, 3 meatshields, and Sniper Cat power-up (technically you want this on all the Crazed Cats stages). Crazed Bird Cat has very high stats and acts like a Sloth with a more attack range and less time between attacks. To make things worse, he has a bunch of Rain. D’s and Bore’s accompanying him, making it very hard to land hits on him. However, once you learn the pattern in which they come out, you will have an easier time with this stage. The stage starts out with CBC coming out. After a while, one Rain D will come out, followed by another a bit later, then a Bore and a last Rain D. Afterwards, enemies will spawn one by one (with some time in between) in this order: 4 Rain D’s and 1 Bore. After the Bore is spawned, there will be a significantly longer gap of time before the spawn pattern repeats. Try to save your Bahamut cat for when Bore comes out so you will kill it before it gets too close to your base. During the times where there are only Rain D’s, use solely macho legs cat and king dragon cat to damage the deer and only one meatshield cat (your cheapest, like mohawk), because CBC will end up killing your units in a few hits and other cats are pretty expensive. When Bore comes out, then you can go all out with your cat units (now use 3 meatshields) and summon Bahamut, dragon, etc cats because you know after all the Bore’s and Rain D’s get killed, CBC will be unprotected and vulnerable to attacks. After the Rain D’s start spawning again, repeat and rinse this strategy until you kill him. It might take a while, so be patient. Also, if you take too long, a shy boy will spawn in addition to the signboard girl, so heads up! Alternatively, you can try to cheese the stage and win by destroying the base before killing CBC. You will need Crazed S Legs cat (to knock back the Rain D’s) and knockback-floating cats. You’ll need quite a bit of luck, but it’s possible to pull this off.

Crazed Fish Cat (3+): Crazed fish cats are pretty weak themselves. They have a crit chance and can take a hit from bahamut, but be careful, as the fish cats can quickly tear through your meatshields if stacked, due to their area attack. The stage starts off with a single CFC and a bunch of crocodiles rushing you. They should be easy to take care of with Paris and Bahamut cat. CFC’s will come out in groups of three and aren’t too threatening in general, as long as you have a constant stream of meatshields. However, when you reach the base, a Super Metal Hippoe will come out and the CFC’s will come out in alternating groups of sixes and threes. Make sure you bring along critical cats, like the awesomer-than-her-sister Neneko, or this stage will take forever and you’ll get killed by the assassin bears. The main danger of this stage is getting the “Can’t produce any more cats” message, because that will mean there’s a gap in your meatshield, allowing the enemies to push you back and damage your heavy hitters. Make sure you time your meatshields accordingly and kill Super Metal Hippoe ASAP and this stage should be much easier to complete.

Crazed Lizard Cat (2/5+): Get ready for one hell of a long battle. For this fight, you really want high level true forms, because it already takes quite a while to beat even with true forms. Sadly, uber rares don’t work at all here (unless you have the evolved form of Grateful Crane). You primarily want: Crazed Macho, Eraser, Macho Legs, King Dragon, Jamiera, and Bahamut Cat. The stage starts off with a bunch of Mooth’s rushing your base. Stall them with meatshields and kill them asap with Bahamut. Use the $ to stack up worker cat. After a given amount of time, 3 Crazed Lizard Cats will spawn. They will be flanked by low $ minions and Otta Smack U’s (they come out in pairs). Now, the Crazed Lizard Cats are pretty strong and fighting them is like fighting Camelle without true forms- you won’t really be able to get any hits on them because they will knock your cats back. The only cat unit that can land hits on these stupid little creatures is Jamiera cat. However, this isn’t that easy since the Otta Smack U’s will be protecting the CLC’s. Try to learn the timing of this stage and it’ll become much easier. When the CLC’s first come out, focus on stalling them with your meatshields. Only when the Otta’s come out and move past the CLC’s, start sending as many macho legs and king dragons as possible. Try your best to predict when the 2nd Otta dies and time it so that you can produce a Jamiera cat and arrives at the front line when the 2nd Otta dies. If you time it right, Jamiera will reach the CLC’s and bash them in the face several times before dying. IMPORTANT: when you send out your Jamiera, stop sending out macho leg and King Dragon cats. They will get knocked back repeatedly without landing any hits on the CLC’s. Money management is very important in this stage and if you run out of $, it’s game over. When the Otta’s come out again and get past the CLC’s, then start sending out the macho leg and king dragon cats again. This will let them stay out of CLC’s range a little longer and stay alive longer, killing the Otta’s quicker and letting Jamiera get a few more hits in. The Otta’s will quickly kill Jamiera, so if you see an Otta coming out right when you’re about to or have killed the 2nd one, don’t send out Jamiera and wait till the next cycle. This lets you store up some more $ and keeps you away from bankruptcy. Once you kill off one CLC, your Jamiera cat will be able to get in more hits and kill the other two relatively quickly. Once you beat kill off the third one, be careful and send out your Bahamut cat. The Otta’s will still come out and you don’t want to lose a stage because you were careless, do you? This stage will take a while, so don’t be surprised if you see a second Ms. Sign come out.

– Alternatively, if you have crazed UFO and Crazed Whale, use them! They can take tons of damage from CLC’s and will deal an equally high amount of damage before dying. They will make this stage much, much easier compared to the above strategy.

Crazed Titan Cat (3-5): Pray to RNGesus. Seriously. This stage revolves around RNG and if you can only win if you’re lucky. To help your odds, you’re going to want to use the sniper cat power-up, and rich cat power-up if you want to make your life easier. The stage starts off with several squirrels and gories rushing you. Crazed Titan cat comes out when you reach the base along with several Shadow Boxer K’s. A pair of black and regular Gorys will come out regularly to support CTC. To be honest, CTC is pretty weak compared to the other Crazed cats. He has slow attacks that knockback cats and has medium range. The main danger of this stage is Crazed Titan’s double wave and a chance to slow your cats. His wave is already insanely strong. It travels ½ of the stage and does insane damage, killing almost all your cats- including all your meatshields. It has a 10% proc rate, but every now and then, he will proc his wave twice in a row, killing and/or knocking everything back, plus his slow chance may also proc, causing all cats hit by the shockwave to be slowed. Then the Gorys become a problem and they will start shoving towards your base. Winning this stage comes down to how many times CTC’s wave attack proc’s and if you get hit by a double wave. For this stage, the lineup is pretty simple. You need two meatshields (preferably crazed macho and crazed wall, for their speed), paris cat (to deal with the Gorys), Bahamut cat (to clear the early Shadow Boxer K’s), and any other damage dealers that have a low cooldown like macho legs, king dragon, crazed dragon, etc (so try not to use Uber Rares). Again, stalling CTC and killing off the Gorys is pretty simple, but watch out for the wave attacks and hope that RNGesus is on your side. Whenever your cats get maimed by CTC’s wave, rebuild your meatshields and send out paris cats to deal with the Gorys. This stage is relatively straightforward and if you’re lucky, you’ll beat it without any difficulty.

(Back to Contents)


Q: How can I get Cat Food?

A: You can buy it or get it as a reward from the following: login bonus (for the first 30 days), beating a subchapter for the first time, tapjoy offers, or as a gift from PONOS (usually around the holidays or a download quota).

Q: I just unlocked God from the shop. What does he do?

A: He is a game mechanic that lets you request special powers to unleash on the battlefield. You can find him near the top of the battlefield (the little swirly thing with blue hair and eyes.) Tapping on him will activate a short cutscene and will allow you to pick 4 powerups.

Q: My Cat Stamps rewards stopped appearing after I got Tricycle Cat. Is it a glitch?

A: No. After you get Bicycle Cat, the Cat Stamps will disappear as your login reward, although you will still get your daily silver ticket.

Q: I want the Japanese version of The Battle Cats, how can I get it?

A: Nurse Wuffa’s got your back on this one! Click here for a tutorial for iOS on how to download BCJP (Sorry Androids! You might want to snoop around the subreddit for a JP .apk)

Q: Are the Friend-Code Cats good? (Bean and Moneko.)

A: NO! There’s reasons why these cats suck in the “Special Cats” section of this guide.

We might have to think about Moneko and her use in Attack on Titanium….

*As of Version 3.2.1 this information is only partially valid.

Q: How do I unlock Flower/Cooldown cat?

A: In the chapter screen, there are panels in the background. Touching the left side of the right panel and dragging it to the right will reveal 3 cats hidden in the darkness. Sliding too far right will close the panel. Continuously drag the panel to the right (forcing it to close) until you unlock Flower cat. You will know if you have a chance at the cat if you hear a cat “meow”.

Q: What is the Battle Cats subreddit? And are there any other websites BC-related?

A: We don’t know how you got to this link, but the subreddit is where most of Battle Cat(-ers?) collaborate! You can find lots of content in the ever-growing subreddit, from video links to official leaking of future events in BC. Is there any more websites BC-related? Yes. The Battle Cats wiki. It is currently needs some clean-up, so lend a hand if you can sometime. We don’t know if this counts, but PONOS does have a Facebook page. You can go like the page if you want. However, the comments on each post by PONOS is literally filled with code spam….so….yeah….

If you want to kill BattleCate in the inside, you can make a visit at the Archer Cat dedicated subreddit (/r/battlecatscirclejerk)

Q: Who is Nurse Wuffa?

A: Some random person (Guy? Girl? we don’t know.) who decided to make videos on YouTube about cats taking over the world. You may have seen his/her name mentioned around the subreddit and in the guide a lot. Anyways, they make tutorials on certain stages. You can request for a stage tutorial if it is not existent on their channel and he/she will see what they can do about it. He/she is not invincible, though…. If you know who Uriboten is, this is the English version of him pretty much. Records on LagServer AirServer. Streams late on Twitch on Fridays. (and sometimes at other times) First playing Battle Cats for at least 30 minutes or so and then moving on to certain other games.You can join if the game is multiplayer and you are allowed!

Unlike in her/his videos, you can actually experience her/him talk! Isn’t that great?

Q: What should I invest in early on in the game?

A: The things I recommend upgrading first early in-game is the cat study (for even more XP to spend), efficiency, wallet, cat cannon range, and cat energy skills. The rest should be decided by you. For cat units, upgrade these cats first (in whichever order you want. Prioritize cats you prefer using in battle first): tank cat, gross cat, fish cat, and lizard cat. However, you should end up upgrading all the basic cats, as they will be your main units for the rest of the game (even with the rare/super rare/uber rare cats). Cat should be upgraded if you have any spare XP.

Q: What should I spend Cat Food on?

A: Currently (BCEN 3.0), you should spend your Cat Food on Premium Gacha rolls and maybe save some for continues (30 CF). For the Premium Gacha, it is recommended you save up for a Discount Event (30 CF per roll, 750 CF per 10 rolls) or a Uber Rare Confirm Event (1500 CF for 10 rolls, 1 of which is a guaranteed Uber Rare unit) during an event of your choosing. It is not recommended (currently) to buy Special Cats because they are subpar units.

Q: What is the User Rank?

A: The User Rank system is a brand new system introduced in version 2 of The Battle Cats that adds up the total of all your cat levels combined. The number shown on the script visual is the total. Depending on your number, you can get a rare ticket up to leveling up your Uber Rare cats to level 30. Don’t worry if you have any +’s; it will stay there. For example you have a level 20 +6 Paris. When the level cap is increased, you can level up your Paris to level 30 with XP, while the +6’s will stay there. Current maximum User Rank is: 8340 (Updated 11/22/15, latest additions: Rich Cat III, Sniper the Recruit, Freshman Cat Jobs, Togeluga)

Q: How do I get more XP?

A: If you’re just starting of Battle Cats, upgrade your “Study” power-up, as this will increase the XP dropped by stages. If you’re near the end of chapter 1, consider farming and at the same time hunt for the Philosopher’s Stone buff. Scroll to section 2.6 to find out the stages which contribute to the buff. If you have beaten the game(chapter 3), go for the weekend stages in SoL. All the stages give much more XP than regular stages, and also don’t have a “clearing” cap. (Clearing stages in the main story decrease XP dropped in them; the more you play a certain stage the less XP you get) However, the energy needed for the stages are very high (up to 500 energy!) so it is recommended to get the Management Bible in all stages to fully experience these stages. As a bonus for completing these stages, sometimes you can get treasure that gives even more XP! (Use the cat jobs power-up on these stages for maximum efficiency!) (The Cat Study up combo from Prof. Cat Jobs is also very useful)

Q: Do +’s (duplicate cats from rare cat capsule) give rare, super, and ubers any benefits?

A: Yes, only about a 5% boost in health and damage, not ability chance. However, +ing cats is useful as it increases User Rank.

Q: How much damage does a shockwave deal?

A: The same damage the cat/enemy that releases the shockwave. So if they do 10,000 damage from a direct hit, that means the shockwave will also deal that much. Double the

damage, but with area attack pretty much!

Q: There’s a tooltip in the battle menu that Nyanko means cat in Japanese. Does it?

A: Nooope. Neko means cat in Japanese, not Nyanko. Nyanko is usually a sound effect for meow, or more specifically “Nyan.” (yan)

Q: I keep running out of energy! How do you increase your energy limit?

A: Cat energy is restored gradually over time at the rate of 1 energy per minute. However, you can also completely refill your energy by paying 30 Cat Food. There are 3 ways to increase your energy limit: upgrading the “Energy” power-up with XP (and later silver tickets), get Hawaii’s/Floating Continent’s and Moon’s treasures, which activate the Management Bible buff, which increases the energy limit depending on treasure quality, or to energy glitch. (See section 2.8) However, Hawaii/Floating Continent and Moon are both endgame stages in all chapters. Current maximum cat energy is: 630.

Q: How do I get out of Recovery Mode (and how did I get into it in the first place)?!

A: If you mess around with your device’s date/time to access events available on other days, the Battle Cats app might go into Recovery Mode. To get out of it, just do the +2/-2 energy glitch trick. If that doesn’t work, try -2 days, open Battle Cats, force close, then if you’re on iPhone (maybe Android?) press “Set time automatically” and re-open BC.

Q: Should I spend my cat food on the rare cat capsule/gacha?

A: Yes and no. Sometimes, there is a special event that guarantees one uber rare cat if you use the 10x roll (Uber Rare Confirm Event). To me, that sounds completely worth it. You can save up for the next one (that is hopefully not too far). However, it is completely your decision. Will you risk 150 cat food in exchange for an archer cat or other meh cats? Or will you hope for the extremely rare Nekoluga and the other Ubers Rares? Or will you wait for the next Confirm event? Feeling lucky, punk?

Q: How do I beat X stage on Y subchapter?

A: This guide will not go into specific subchapter stages, but you can head over to Nurse Wuffa’s channel to see if he has made a guide for that stage already. If not, you can request a stage in the comments section under his newest video.

Q: PONOS mentioned that 5 cat base skills can be traded to a gold ticket. How does this work?

A: After upgrading a cat base skill to Max+10, any further upgrades obtained through the normal gacha will be unusable. Recently, PONOS made it possible to trade in any 5 excess cat base skills for a golden gacha ticket (the cat base skill level must be Max+10). To do this, go to the storage (in the gacha menu), tap on the excess cat base skill, and there should be an option that allows you to trade it in. After trading in 5, you should get a golden ticket.

Q: Are there true forms for all the cats? (Rare, special, etc.)

A: Currently no. There are true forms for certain special cats unlocked through beating special event stages with them as an enemy unit. Otherwise, there are only true forms for the basic cats and special cats.

Q: Was there a previous Battle Cats game?

A: There was indeed one; back in the old days of PONOS. However it is only available on old phones (possibly?) The game itself was actually about bears, not cats and was called Kumanchu Royale. It was very similar to its successor and has bears that relate to the normal cats, BGM, and animations. Gameplay can be seen here: see if you spot anything out of the ordinary.

“Moon” battle VS The Battle Cats BGM Boss Battle

Bear lineups

Old website to purchase Kumanchu Royale

Q: Where is Cattle Bats 2?

A: No leak4u (as if there has been a leak… Although it is confirmed, after some hardcore classic gaming from yours truly.) A trailer for Cattle Bats 2 was released on 4/20/15.

“Good things come to those who blaze it.”

Coming soon…..

And maybe never.

Q: Am I the only one who’s thought of r34 Battle Cats?

A: Nope. Check Nurse Wuffa’s twitter and find his birthday (Feb. 10) gift post. It’s not very SFW, so view at your own discretion. Hell, I’ll attach the SFW version at the bottom (designed by me and drawn by a nsfw artist). Also, go on Pixiv(.net) and search the tag “にゃんこ大戦争“ for more r34 BC (make sure you’re logged on for the r-18 stuff). We really don’t know how and when we found this, so don’t ask for more. You may lose your innocent childhood. (Just like how BattleCate did :p)

Q: What happened to Uriboten?

A: We don’t know (wot) what happened to the legendary guide. He might be taking a break….

(or lost his password….)

We hope for the best of him!

Q: What’s going on with subreddit user LazyDayCoffee? He’s been baited into a lot of bad things from this guide. Should I really be reading this guide?

A: You should still read this guide of course. (How did you even get down here anyways?)

As for LazyDayCoffee, don’t mind him. He’s been discovering some pretty neat stuff, and is just reporting his discoveries to everyone else!

(At least BattleCate isn’t alone on losing his childhood anymore, so thanks?)

However, he has been discouraging some other stuff too. Please do not listen to him and scroll below this page. We promise there’s nothing bad. Seriously. ayy lmao

Q: What are abilities and what do they do?

A: Abilities are special attributes that are applied to certain units, by attacks from certain units, by a unit that has dropped below a certain percentage of HP, or by cat combos. Cat combos can affect the strength of an ability. Most buffs/debuffs can be stacked with other buff/debuffs respectively. Stacked means they are taking effect simultaneously. They are split into two categories, buffs, which help the unit, and debuffs, which harm the unit.

*Potency can be increased with specific cat combo.

Current abilities:

Strong against (type)*: Cat takes ½ damage and deals 1.5x damage to (type)

Deals 3x/massive damage to (type)*: Cat deals 3x damage to (type)

Takes ¼ /reduced damage from (type)*: Cat takes ¼ from (type)

Can Critical Hit: Unit is capable of dealing 2x damage and ignoring the metal attribute for an attack

Shockwave: Unit is capable of releasing an AOE shockwave that travels a certain distance for an attack. Shockwaves also apply other abilities.

Attack Up*: Unit’s attack will be raised (2x if ability, percentage if cat combo)

Metal: Unit will take 1 damage from all sources (except crits) and ignores knockback (unless specified)

Speed Up: Cat will move faster (cat combo only)

Health Up: Cat will have more HP (cat combo only)

Survive Lethal Hit: Unit is capable of gaining an extra knockback and surviving when it is hit by a lethal attack

Castle Destruction: Unit deals 4x damage to the enemy base

2x Money: Unit grants 2x money upon killing a unit


Slow*: Unit will be slowed down to a certain speed for a certain amount of time.

Freeze*: Unit will freeze for a certain amount of time.

Knockback*: Unit will be knocked back for a certain distance.

Attack Down*: Unit will have its attack power lowered for a certain amount of time.

Q: What is a knockback? And I’m not referring to the ability.

A: A knockback refers to the amount of damage a unit has to sustain in order to get knocked back by sheer damage. For example, Bahamut Cat has 25,500 HP at level 30, and he has 3 knockbacks, which means every interval of 8,500 HP he loses from his max HP that he takes, he will get knocked back; on the third occurrence he will die. If he takes 17,000 damage at once, he will get knocked back, but he will have one less knockback due to an “overkill hit”. Some units, like Tank Cat and Le’boin, only have 1 knockback, therefore all of their HP must be depleted before they are knocked back and die.

Battle Cats Guide - Gachazone (2024)


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Introduction: My name is Geoffrey Lueilwitz, I am a zealous, encouraging, sparkling, enchanting, graceful, faithful, nice person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.