The Beaufort Gazette from Beaufort, South Carolina (2024)

Miss Henderson, Mr. Milam Wed In Double Ring Rites Miss Sara Caroline Henderson, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Campbell Henderson, became the bride of Mr. Henry Harrison Milam, III, in a double ring ceremony Sunday, August 8 at the Baptist Church of Beaufort.

Mr. Milam is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Milam of Ninety Six, S. C.

Rev. J. A. Miller of Beaufort officiated at the late afternoon wedding. The traditional wedding music was by Mrs.

Ed Peterson, organist, and Mr. W. Flowers, soloist. The lovely bride was given in marriage by her father. She chose a gown of satin-faced peau de soie with a portrait neckline, fitted bodice and full skirt.

Alencon lace flower appliques with pearls edging the stems and leaves bordered the neckline, both sides of the front panel and the chapel train. She carried a cascade bouquet of white carnations centered with a white orchid and wore a Brussels lace mantilla which her parents brought back from a recent trip to Europe. Miss Ann Shirley Henderson of Chapel Hill, N. C. was her sister's maid of honor.

She wore a full length gown of cherry pink organza over taffeta with a portrait neck, fitted bodice, A- line skirt with a bow and flowing panels and a matching headpiece. She carried a cascade bouquet of white daisy chrysanthemums. Bridesmaids were Miss Susan Henderson, sister of the bride, Miss Judy Milam of Ninety-Six, sister of the groom, Miss Sandra Dominick of Greenwood, cousin of the groom, and Miss Marchita Williams of Beaufort and Clemson. Their dresses were identical to that of the maid of honor. The flower girl, Miss Donna Owens of Greer, also wore a dress of cherry organza over taffeta.

She ca carried a basket of rose petals. The ring bearer was Martin James, a cousin of the groom, from Jackson, Miss. Ushers were Mr. John Jefferson Milam of Ninety-Six, brother of the groom, Mr. George Jefferson Free of Clemson, Mr.

Jimmy Dominick of Greenwood and Joe D. Wills of Greenville, all cousins of the groom. For her daughter's wedding, Rev. Lannigan Honored At Church Reception PEOPLE YOU KNOW Mr. and Mrs.

Charlie Mitchell of Lady's Island spent the weekend of July 31 vacationing in the mountains of North Carolina. Laurel Bay Banter By ANNE COOK Phone 524-5522 Mrs. A. S. Gallant of Dallas, Texas is spending a week with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr.

and Mrs. F. M. Morgan of Cardinal Lane. 1 Mr.

and Mrs. J. W. Stanhouse and sons Mike, Jim and John, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Stanhouse's grandmother, Mrs.

Ada Crain, in DuQuoin, Illinois. Also visiting Crain in were Mr. a and Mrs. A. J.

Ashauer of Santa Monica, the parents of Mrs. Stanhouse. During Mr. Stanhouse's vacation, his posts on the Parents' Council and the Teen Club were filled by Mr. Carson Barnes.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Kofford of Camellia Drive, with their children Bobby, Sherry and Colleen, are spending a month in Utah. While there, they will visit his parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Lars Kofford, in Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. E. G.

Edwards, Mrs. Kofford's parents, in Moab. The Reverend John A. Miller, pastor of the Laurel Bay Baptist, with Mrs. Miller and their little daughter Rhonda Kay, have returned after two weeks in Elizabethtown, where they visited Mrs.

Miller's, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goodin. Mrs. John C.

Pilley of Elderberry Drive has returned home after surgery in the Naval Hospital. While her husband, lst Sgt. Zukas, completes an overseas assignment, Mrs. Lawrence E. Zukas and their daughter Deborah will leave Beaufort to make their home with her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. T. A. Pike of Memphis, Tenn. Mrs.

Zukas has been an active member of the Marine Wives' Club, serving as club president, and as treasurer for two years. She has also a prominent Catholic laywoman, and received the Pius Award, presented by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine for outstanding service. Mrs. Zukas has also served as a teacher in the Laurel Bay School of Religion. A camping trip in the Smoky Mountains is being enjoyed by Mr.

and Mrs. James E. Prince of Iris Lane. Accompanying their parents on the trip are Celeste, Timmy, Guy and Cliss Prince. Mr.

and Mrs. S. D. Bowers, Mr. and Mrs.

S. D. Bowers, and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buck and daughter, Terrie, went to Southern Pines, N.

C. last week to attend the funeral of Mrs. Bowers, father, Mr. W. R.

Maples. Fla. Draperies Made Free! FABRIC FROM $1.98 YARD UP Custom Made in Our Decorator Work Rooms Our decorator will be in Beaufort NEXT WEEK to call on those interested in custom draperies advise selection and measure your windows. No charge for making. All draperies made under the supervision of Carlton Parker a former member of the decorating staff of W.

J. Sloane, Washington, D. C. WRITE OR CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT Some of the best homes in Beaufort have our draperies. ALL DRAPERIES INSTALLED TAILOR MADE DRAPERIES, Inc.

Savannah, Ga. 1201 Montgomery Cross Rd. Ph. 354-8725 Miss Bambi Sours, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Sours of Ribaut Park, has completed a course at the Paris School of Cosmotology in Savannah and will be associated with Coiffures by Irene this fall. She plans to attend night courses at the University of South Carolina Regional Campus here. Recently Miss Sours gave a dinner party for Miss Jean Watts and her fiance, Mr. William Matthews of Nashville. They plan to be married in January.

A recent two week vacation trip taken by Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Lengnick included visits with DeAlton Ridings in the Great Lakes area, Mr. and Mrs. Cazanovia in New York, Mr.

and Mrs. Ned Herendeen at Martha's Vineyard and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Phillips at Provincetown, Mass. Mrs.

Nelmays and Martha Priester and Mr. John Platt, III, of Sheldon spent the past weekend visiting their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Russ Gleason of Jacksonville, Fla, and MAC and Mrs. Austin Davis, Jr.

and boys of Winter Park, Fla. THE BEAUFORT GAZETTE, Aug. 12, 1965 5-A Mrs. Henderson wore a semifitted sheath of pale pink lace over taffeta with a round neck and elbow length bell sleeves. She wore matching accessories and red rosebuds.

Mrs. Milam chose a dress of coffee lace over beige taffeta with a matching chiffon cumberbund and accessories. She wore a white orchid. A reception in the church social hall followed the wedding. Mr.

and Mrs. John Petarock greeted the guests at the door. Miss Sandra Black was in charge of the bride's register. The bride's table was covered with an imported linen and lace square cloth. It held a three-tiered wedding cake and was decorated with a silver candelabrum and white carnations.

Mrs. Jack Foster presided. The two serving tables with silver punch bowls and candelabra and arrangements of white flowers were presided over by Miss Pat Fordham, Mrs. M. P.

Martin, Mrs. Adam Smith, and Lois Logan assisted by Mrs. Adam Iler, Mrs. Ray McCartha, Mrs. Bob Folk and Mrs.

Robert Kensie. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Logan bid the guests good After a wedding trip to Nassau the couple will be at home in Clemson. The bride is a graduate of Columbia College and has been teaching at Mossy Oaks Elementary School.

She will teach at North Fant Elementary School next year. The groom is a senior at Clemson University. MRS. JIMMIE LEE RICHARDSON Miss Barbara Wilburn, Cpl. Richardson Marry Miss Barbara Kaye Wilburn, a daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Wendell Wilburn of Port Royal, became the bride of Cpl. Jimmie Lee Richardson of the Marine Corps Air Station in a double ring ceremony August 6 at 8 p.m. at the Port Royal Baptist Church. Rev.

Lowell Robinson officiated. Cpl. Richardson is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fate I.

Richardson of Miami, Fla. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, wore a dress of white brocade with long tapered sleeves ending in a point trimmed with self covered buttons. The full length skirt featured a train. She wore a waistlength veil and a pearl tiara and carried a white Bible with orchids and carnation petals on streamers. Miss June Wilson of Woodward Avenue was the maid of honor.

She wore a short semifitted beige dress with pink hat and gloves and a pink carnation bouquet. The bride's mother chose a white and green whipped cream sheath with white accessories and a pink carnation corsage Black To Speak At BPW Meeting Professional Women's Club will meet Tuesday, August 17, at 7:30 p.m. at Tommy's Restaurant. The publicity committee with Mrs. Emma Bishop as chairman is in charge of the pro- Mr.

Gary Black, will give his outstanding talk on Gullah, Beaufort Catering Service Phone JA 4-2004 Mrs. Ray Ingleright, better known as Tess, is happy to announce to her many friends and clients that she is back after several months absence. She will now give her individual attention to all customers who visit the salon. Beaufort Beauty Salon 928 BAY ST. 524-3041 BEAUFORT, S.

C. Miss Shirley Weaver Is Guest of Honor At Surprise Shower November bride-elect, Shirley Weaver of West Boundary Street, was given a surprise bridal shower by her future mother-in-law, Mrs. Donald Greene, in Miami, Fla. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Thomas Gentile and Mrs.

Frank Caudle. The guest of honor was given many lovely gifts. "The Unusual from All Over The World" THE ISLAND SHoP Hilton Head Island, South Carolina OPEN: Everyday except Wednesdays MRS. HENRY HARRISON MILAM, III Milam-Henderson Party Entertained Saturday The bridesmaids' luncheon for the wedding of Miss Sally Henderson and Mr. Henry Milam was held Saturday at the Elks Club.

Hostesses were Mrs. James Guest, Mrs. Laura Winn, Mrs. Sally Foster, Mrs. Adam Smith and Mrs.

Don Owens. As the guests arrived they were greeted by the hostesses and pinned with a favor made of a gold ring and orange blossoms. A delicious luncheon was served and the bride presented her attendants with gifts. was given a silver tray by the hostesses. Gifts to the bridesmaids were Rev.

Tom Lannigan, pastor of the Patrick Baptist Church, of Glasgow, Scotland, who served as exchange minister of the Beaufort Baptist Church Rev. and Mrs. Snethen of 1507 Park Avenue returned to Beaufort after an extensive visit to California and Oregon. They visited their daughter and her family in Palo Alto, and their son and his family in Portland, as well as spending two days with Rev. James Pollard, one of Rev.

Snethen's teachers at Liberty, Mo. in 1912. Dr. Pollard was also pastor of Mrs. Snethen's church when they were married in 1925.

Jane and Terry, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Woods, spent last week in Virginia Beach, visiting their aunt and uncle, LtCol. and Mrs. Morris Cooke.

Mrs. Cooke, with her children, Betsy and Dawes, drove the Woods children back to Beaufort and will visit for three weeks with her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. J. E.

McTeer of Coffin Point. Mrs. Rena Frame returned home Monday after attending her -niece's wedding in Baltimore, Md. Mr. and Mrs.

Miles Randall of Hilton Head visited Mrs. J. R. Fitts and Mrs. C.

H. Von Harten in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. J.

A. Patterson, and family have recently moved into new home at 1707 Bay Street. sterling pins with engraved initials. Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Milam, Sr. entertained the wedding party, out of town guests and friends at a rehearsal party Saturday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Cooper on Broome Lane. The guests were met by Mrs.

Cooper, whose house was decorated with floral arrangements of pink and white carnations and gladioli. The table was covered with a linen cutwork cloth. Mrs. Karen Burgess served punch from a clear glass bowl rimmed with silver. Refreshments were served.

during the month of July, was honored with a reception here Wednesday night, by the church. Rev. Lannigan, left Charleston by jet Friday, and was to be back in his pulpit in Glasgow for Sunday morning services. During the reception Ralph Rentz, chairman of the board of Deacons of the Church, presented Rev. Lannigan with a beautiful silver tray, Mrs.

Ashley Graves, president of the WMU Society of the Church gave him a Low Country painting, while Ned Brown, presented him with an album that included MCAS O'Wives To Have Welcome Coffee The executive board of the Air Station Officers Wives Club will hostess a "Welcome Aboard" coffee at 10 a.m., August 26, at the MCAS Officers Club. An invitation is cordially extended to all MCAS officers wives, retired Marine and Naval Officers wives and widows of all officers living in the Beaufort area. ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF RIBAUT PARK KINDERGARTEN 512 Center Drive West MRS. VIVIAN E. MAYNARD, Director 15 years experience in Primary Education For information call 524-5482 for her daughter's wedding.

The best man was Pfc. Harold Mastranunzio of the Air Station. Sgt. Benjamin H. March of Polk Village and Cpl.

Q. M. Cole, Sr. served as ushers. The groom and ushers wore their dress blue uniforms.

A reception followed in the church hall. The bride's table was covered with a white cloth decorated with ivy. Mrs. Douglas East and Mrs. Lawrence Fisher assisted in serving.

Mrs. Hazel Richard was in charge of the bride's book. Mrs. Richardson is a 1965 graduate of Beaufort High School. Cpl.

Richardson was graduated from S. W. Miami Senior High School. The couple will live in Port Royal. How Cheap Is Life? Americans don't think it's so cheap.

They are now insuring their lives for more than $550,000,000,000. This not means that millions of American protected but also that many, many insurance, individuals will have an income after working years have passed. JAMES M. WADDELL, JR. 903 Port Republic Beaufort, S.C.C Tel.

JA 4-5053 Pilot Life Insurance Company photographs made of the many activities he participated in during his stay in Beaufort. In expressing his appreciation Rev. Lannigan said, "I want to express my heartfelt gratitude and thanks to all who extended to me the hospitality in their homes. Also those who in other ways made my stay here in Beaufort a memorable one. May the blessings of which maketh rich and addeth no sorrow with it, be your portion both now and ever." Rev.

Lannigan, chosen to serve in the United States by the World Baptist Pastoral Exchange of Ministers, toured all parts of the area, while visiting here, and he also visited the Southern Baptist Seminary in Louisville, Ky. Dr. George A. Jones, pastor of the Beaufort Baptist Church, gram. served a.

pastor of the Patrick Baptist Church in Scotland, as exchange minister there during July. Upon completion of his Scotland duties he toured London, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Germany, Beirut, Lebanon, Jerusalem, Jordan, and Israel and will be back in Beaufort on the 16th of August. AC ACKERMAN'S SUPER MARKET 1105 BOUNDARY STREET DIAL JA 4-5032 OPEN 7 Days A Week GOVT. INSPECTED CUT UP-15 PCS. IN EACH PACKAGE FRYERS LB.


The Beaufort Gazette from Beaufort, South Carolina (2024)


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